Another Magnificent Brooklyn Heights Elm Doomed

It’s been a bad year for elm trees in the Heights. Just under a year ago, the great elm in the courtyard of the Mansion House, 145 Hicks Street, fell victim to Hurricane Irene. Now we have learned that the even larger and probably older elm in the courtyard of Grace Church (photo) off Hicks between Grace Court and Joralemon has been diagnosed with Dutch elm disease which, left to run its natural course, would kill the tree within a few years and likely infect others nearby. The church has announced, with sorrow, that the tree will be removed August 22nd and 23rd, just shy of the anniversary of the loss of the Mansion House elm.

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  • bagel boy

    The storm also claimed a nice tree on Orange and Hicks. Saw a crew cutting it up Monday morning.

  • S

    What a sad loss for the church and the neighborhood. I loved walking my boys to nursery school under the shade of that tree.

  • Jorale-man

    Too bad – I do hope they plant a new tree there. Trees are as integral to the Heights as our architecture and streets.

  • Simmons

    Another tree was knocked down by Irene on Joralemon between Hicks and Willow. It crushed a car. It always feels like a death in the neighborhood.

  • AnnOfOrange

    The tree on the corner of Orange and Hicks was long dead!

  • Lou K

    Sad to see it go…

  • David on Middagh

    Very sad.

    Unfortunately, this warming trend doesn’t help. Pest insects, and those that spread disease, don’t die off in wintertime the way they used to.

  • stuart

    ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
    none are spared.

  • Rick

    After many years living in the neighborhood I only saw the tree for the first time a couple of weeks ago, As we sat under it, we had talked about what a beautiful old tree it is. Sad that it is to soon be gone.