Hearing on Save The View Now Tomorrow at 10:30 A.M.

What we previously reported as a “tentative” rescheduling of the hearing on Save the View Now’s motion to re-open its lawsuit against Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation and the developers of Pierhouse (photo) has now been confirmed. It will take place tomorrow morning (Thursday, August 6) at the New York Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, in Justice Knipel’s 7th floor courtroom, starting at 10:30. More details here.

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  • Willow Street Watch

    Well, I and two associates went to the court today. It was frankly disappointing, I counted 29 people including the supporters of the BBPC/Toll brothers side. But there WERE bright spots. The save the attorney fought off THREE opposing councils fairly well. Enough that
    the judge reserved judgment.

    But while there are good people taking on a giant, one gets the impression that the energy of the effort simply isn’t high enough. In speaking to several of the STV supporters and leadership there was a clear lack of understanding of the role public exposure has in any such effort. This is a dry legal effort. As a result, you just don’t see high visibility demonstrations or the kind well done presentation devices which really threaten to get into the public consciousness and attract press coverage. As a result, public involvement and concern is nowhere where it should and/or needs to be.

    One telling point made by opposing council was that he did not see any involvement by major neighborhood and area groups in or for the STV legal action. He named the BHA in his remarks.

    I only saw one member of the press there Mary Frost,

  • RJG

    Now we wait for Justice Knipel to make a decision.

    I’m glad people are getting involved regardless of their point of view.

    * * * * * * * * * * *

  • Joan Goldberg

    I was there today. Why do you think this is scheduled in AUGUST when more than half the population is away? David v. Goliath. GO DAVID.

  • gatornyc

    That’s not how courts schedule applications. This was a filing by STV. The court sets the hearing so the application is heard quickly because it involves a request for injunctive relief.