Theater 2020 Presents Free Reading of “Critters & Kindness” at Brooklyn Heights Library Saturday Afternoon

This Saturday afternoon, October 12 starting at 2:00 (doors open at 1:30) at the Brooklyn Heights Library, 286 Cadman Plaza West (near Clark Street) Theater 2020, Brooklyn Heights’ own award winning professional theater company, will present a reading of “Critters and Kindness,” a new adaptation of tales from Aesop’s Fables (including “The Hare and the Tortoise”; see image) by Lynn Marie Macy, Theater 2020’s Resident Playwright, and directed by Theater 2020’s Co-Producing Artistic Director Judith Jarosz.

With help from some puppets and stuffed critters, we will learn timeless life lessons about kindness, perseverance, and wisdom. Great for kids and adults alike!

It’s free, and no reservations are required. The location is fully accessible and the performance takes approximately one hour.

Image: Milo Winter (1919)

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