While Brooklyn Heights resident/ City Council hopeful Stephen Pierson might be blaming voter fraud for his resounding 40 point loss to incumbent Steve Levin in NYC Council D33’s Democratic primary we thought it would be a good time to list the 5 real reasons we think his bid went down in flames.
Here they are:
1) Nobody really cares about Vito Lopez. Why? MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW WHO HE IS. So, basing an entire campaign on ‘Levin is Vito’s guy he is bad’ is like going to a Star Wars convention and asking everyone to stop supporting the franchise because you feel that Salacious B.Crumb got a raw deal.
2) And if you do know who Vito Lopez is and you’re aware of his misconduct and you’re old enough to remember Meade Esposito, Donald Manes or Carmine DeSapio you’ll find the Pierson campaign’s outrage kinda cute.*
3) We didn’t see him go to jail over LICH. Whether you think it was a PR stunt or not, DiBlasio and Levin walked the walk and rode the wagon to save the hospital.
4) In an election, if you spend most of your time making accusations the other guy is a crook and little or no time telling the public who you are and what you’re going to do then you’ve already lost.
5) If one of the last minute “surprises” your campaign has about your opponent is “HE MADE ROBOCALLS ON THE SABBATH” then you have totally run out of material and more importantly reasons for anyone to vote for YOU.
* Note: We’re pretty sure Vito Lopez is a schmuck and the many things he’s been accused of are no joke. However harping on a possible transference of said schmuckiness to a guy who worked for the schmuck is well, schmucky.