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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

Starting tomorrow (Friday, February 7) the Brooklyn Heights Cinema will be showing for a limited two week engagement Gloria, a film by Chile’s Sebastian Lelio, starring Paulina Garcia (in Spanish, with English subtitles). The Cinema will also be showing Nebraska. Today is your last chance to see Inside Llewen Davis at the Cinema (your correspondent […]

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Winter Walk Photos

These photos were taken on walks yeterday (Friday) afternoon and this (Saturday) morning. The first was taken from Cadman Plaza East, looking west across Cadman Plaza Park, with lower Manhattan in the background. More photos and text follow the jump. Snowboarding on the slope between Washington Street and the Brooklyn Bridge on-ramp. The Manhattan Bridge […]

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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

Bargemusic has a full schedule of concerts this weekend. On Friday evening, January 17, starting at 7:00 there will be a “Here and Now” concert featuring works by Eric Ewazen, Manuel de Falla, Hoagy Carmichael, Duke Ellington (photo), Thelonious Monk, Lianna Gekker, and Wayne Shorter. On Saturday evening at 7:00 and Sunday afternoon at 4:00 […]

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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

Starting this Friday (January 10) the Brooklyn Heights Cinema will be showing Inside Llewyn Davis, the Coen brothers’ take on the 1960s folk music scene; something dear to your correspondent’s heart. The Cinema will continue showing Nebraska, and the Sunday kids’ movie, starting at noon, will be Madagascar. Today (Thursday, January 9) is your last […]

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Heights History (A Slight Return): Montague Street Revitalization Plan 1976

Here’s the latest in our revisiting of our Heights History series – this post originally ran on March 24, 2009.

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The Impressions Head the Bill for “Free the Slaves” Concert at Plymouth

Plymouth Church is known for its pre-eminent role, under the leadership of Henry Ward Beecher, in the anti-slavery movement before the Civil War. While the Emancipation Proclamation declared the slaves free, and the Thirteenth Amendment abolished the “peculiar institution,” slavery still exists in the United States, and, on a larger scale, elsewhere in the world. […]

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BHS Family Sing-along Series Starts Saturday with Deedle Deedle Dees

This coming Saturday, January 4, starting at 3:00 p.m., the Brooklyn Historical Society will present the first in a series of musical events for children from five to ten years of age and their parents, “Sing Back, Brooklyn! with Lloyd H. Miller.” This Saturday, Miller will be joined by the other members of the Deedle […]

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Winter Of Discontent: Bossert Hotel Gets A New Architect

Looks like the conversion of the Bossert Hotel will take a little longer as developers the Chetrit Group and David Bistricer have decided to change architects. This on the heels the their latest plans being nixed by the LPC. Also, residents of nearby 200 Hicks Streets have voiced their concerns about noise and other issues […]

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New York Times Reports On A Great Discovery At Grace Church In Brooklyn Heights

A little soap and water and expertise has gone a long way at Grace Church, the New York Times reports. The landmark house of worship is currently undergoing a $5 million dollar renovation including work on “a new copper roof, new insulation, new lighting, new wiring and a much-needed cleaning of many of the 3,200 […]

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Heights History (A Slight Return): The Brooklyn Heights Historic District

A little over a month after starting BHB in 2006, I wrote this piece about the landmarking of Brooklyn Heights. It was the beginning of my interest in the history of the neighborhood — something that has powered this blog ever since.

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