Local activists Hilary Jager, Brooklyn Heights Association President Erika Belsey Worth, and Josh Vogel, all of whom are founding members of the Coalition for the BQE Transformation, have written an editorial published in the New York Daily News that notes the similarities between the conditions believed to have led to the collapse of the Champlain Towers South condo building in Surfside, Florida and those found to be endangering the cantilevered section of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway below Brooklyn Heights:
The conditions described in the Champlain Towers collapse, including spalling concrete, salt and water infiltration, and exposed reinforcing bars, are frighteningly reminiscent of recent engineering assessments of the BQE.
In conclusion, the group writes:
To date, the city’s DOT has focused on low-tech monitoring and Band-Aid repairs on some of the most troubling conditions. This past year was a missed opportunity to implement substantial repairs while traffic was at an all-time low. We urge the mayor to take bold measures: limit traffic on the cantilever with lane reductions and close the road to trucks altogether, if necessary, while a longer-term plan is developed. We urge the governor and the state to come to work collaboratively with the city and the impacted communities to finally fix the BQE.
As you may recall, there was a promise that there would be a comprehensive BQE plan released in June. June is now long gone.