We’ve seen some questions on Open Thread Wednesdays, and heard them in on line conversations with friends: when will the MTA proceed with replacement of the Clark Street elevators? Just this February the MTA announced that the Clark Street subway station would close for eight months while all three aged, breakdown prone elevators are replaced, although no start date was given. Then came COVID-19.
Our friends at the Brooklyn Heights Association tell us that the MTA has put Clark Street repairs on indefinite hold, although funds for the repairs are in place and not threatened, choosing instead to do repairs to elevators at nearby Borough Hall instead. By “Borough Hall” we presume they mean, as well as the single elevator serving the 2/3 line from near Borough Hall, the two elevators at what’s designated the “Court Street” station on the N/R line. These elevators, as your correspondent can attest, have lately become as, if not more, unreliable than those at Clark. If they are taken out of service for some time, there will still be access to R and N trains from the Borough Hall station entrance at Montague and Court streets, by following a corridor to the left past the turnstiles, then down an escalator (or stairs if you’re a fitness fanatic) and one more short flight of stairs to the N/R platform.
There’s more information here.