Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • aconcernedneighbor

    There’s no one out there. Stop being hysterical.

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    That’s just untruthful (at least re: 5am…I’m asleep at 11pm). Just be a good neighbor and put a mask on. People are still dying by the hundreds every day here. You wearing a mask isn’t too much to ask, is it? We can all do our part. You can too.

  • aconcernedneighbor

    I wear a mask all the time as we all should be doing. But it’s just not true.. The streets a virtually empty that early. So while I do wear something to cover my face if needed, I’ve never needed it and run specifically very early or late to distance myself . So again enough with the hysterics and stay safe

  • Claude Scales

    You’re welcome.

  • aconcernedneighbor

    To be honest, I think you are misrepresenting the time you actually run. Guessing you probably start around 545. A lot of runners come out around 6am when I am finishing up. I know this from 1.5 months of running very early. Please don’t vilify those of us, who have made a significant change to their schedules to exercise when it is not only safe for themselves, but for others. Thanks and be safe.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    You have to understand that certain people need this to be a hoax. If they listen to epidemiologists about Covid they’re going to have to listen to climatologists about energy use, to pediatricians about not beating children, sociologists and economists about wealth redistribution, and they can’t have that, so it’s masks off everyone back to work.

  • Sandy McCroskey

    Internal government report says we’ll be seeing 3,000 Covid-19 deaths by June. A 9/11 every day. Are we Great yet? Your boy (your baby) says he’s proud.

  • BH Mike

    A classic example of someone’s fear dictating the behavior of others. There aren’t many people out at 5am. If you can run and maintain proper social distancing protocol, the decision to wear a mask is totally up to you. Not because you are forced to based on the fear of others.

  • AEB

    I think it’s all about feeling powerless–feeling unheard and unrepresented: small. Making this kind of fuss is a way of counting, as perverse as the positions they take are. At least–and at last– people are paying attention.

  • Andrew Porter
  • Andrew Porter

    You can save the clippings and put them in a bag to deter the deer that are sure to be clogging our streets soon…

  • Arch Stanton

    Perhaps not, I regularly get into the $3-400 range when buying groceries. Especially now when limiting trips to the market.

  • Andrew Porter

    Perhaps I’m wrong—I don’t have a car, only buy as much as I can carry home—but have never spent more than about $60 at one time at Key.