Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • L

    Sure, to some extent. I didn’t say it was bad to wear a MAGA hat, but certainly I’ve observed some broad correlations between MAGA hat wearing/Trump supporting and attitudes towards the current pandemic.

    Absolutely, that’s generalizing. We’re not talking about individuals here, just patterns.

  • gc

    Maintaining proper social distancing 100% of the time on the sidewalks of the Heights and in many parts of BBP is practically impossible.

  • zabo

    There absolutely is something wrong about wearing a MAGA hat and supporting a president whose denial and inaction has caused thousands (at least) of preventable deaths in this crisis. And that’s not even getting into his massive corruption, law-breaking, self-dealing, racism, sexism, anti-intellectualism, sexual assaults, election tampering, and more.

    “Both sides” are NOT the same. I don’t care how often you go to church, or how “actually” conservatism is about small government or supply-side economics. Trump supported the Nazi sympathizers in Charlottesville, separated
    children from their parents and put them in cages, and conspired with foreign countries to rig the 2016 and 2020 elections. There is no equivalency. If you wear a MAGA hat, it’s not like you are just picking a sports team. It means you are a bad person supporting an immoral criminal. End of story.

  • Jack

    You couldn’t be more wrong.

  • GHB

    Do you think that you’re too handsome to deprive your neighbors In the Heights of a full frontal mug shot? Doubtful.

  • SongBirdNYC

    It’s not that Wearing a mask protects you, yes. But it’s more about not infecting other people. Also, many op eds have said that wearing a mask is a visual signal to keep people 6 feet away. The longer people don’t wear them, the longer this is going to go on.

  • magats

    Anyone wearing a MAGA hat risks being spit on. And I risk spitting on them.

  • aconcernedneighbor

    I run at either 5am or 11pm. you’re welcome.

  • Arch Stanton

    The good thing about MAGA hats, the red color makes it easier to draw a bead on em.

  • Jorale-man

    There was a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about MAGA hats as an anti-social device. I must admit, I’ve never seen one in NYC before (though I don’t get out to Staten Island normally).

    On the earlier topic of grocery store crowds, a simple solution: Fresh Direct.

  • Arch Stanton

    LOL, I saw that episode of CYE… Brilliant!
    Yep I’ve seen a few MAGA hats around the heights and NYC but not so much lately…

  • aeshtron

    I’m concerned that aconcernedneighbor may not be getting adequate sleep and/or may have an inconsistent sleep schedule.

  • Cobbler

    A scientist on BBC said that between the intensity of breathing and the movement of one running without a mask, it is not safe for about 25 ft in their vicinity. It is like sneezing and covering a large room. I know runners who thought they were fine and came down with Covid-19.

  • Jack

    And I bet you or whoever would get their butt whooped so bad they wouldn’t know what hit them.

  • L

    All the more reason why runners/joggers should behave like adults and mask up when they’re running through the neighborhood. Or on the Promenade. Or in BBP.

    But it seems like some are more concerned with their own comfort. And their “freedoms,” whatever that means.

  • Andrew Porter

    Mark from Salon Van Sickel is sheltering in place at his Florida house, so he’s not an option.

  • Andrew Porter

    $400 worth of food? Really? I think this might be an exaggeration—along with several other points in your post.

  • Andrew Porter

    A few days ago, I noticed Lilacs and Roses starting to flower in the front yard at the NW corner of Hicks and Pierrepont. Wish I’d had my camera!

  • StudioBrooklyn

    In fairness, they said “either” and not “and”.

  • Rick

    That’s a pretty corner. I think the flowering tree planted there is a magnolia.

  • CJ

    I’m a woman with short, thick, wavy hair that is a challenge for most stylists. I’ve managed to cut it myself – not too well maybe, but it gave me a sense of accomplishment and got it out of my eyes. You can do it! Just be careful not to clog the drains.

  • CJ

    Thank you for this! Fantastic.

  • CJ

    Can anyone please recommend a good laundry pick up/drop off service? Thanks

  • Jorale-man

    Yes, I spent most of an hour Sunday with the clippers, mostly focused on cleaning up the sides and back. If you take your time (and watch a couple YouTube videos beforehand), it can be done without too much damage. Good point about the drains!

  • SongBirdNYC

    OK, once and for ALL if runners won’t listen to science then they should at least pay attention to their governing body, the New York Road Runners Club. These are their guidelines. They say wear a mask, MODIFY your work out, run at off times. This is NOT about personal freedoms, it is about public health.

  • Clara West

    Squibb Park access to new bridge into park now open.
    Gothamist article critical of ability to keep proper distance.
    Once Summer weather starts that bridge will not be only
    site with that issue.
    Both the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges will have similar issues.
    Closing those Bridges will not an option!

  • aconcernedneighbor

    For those you who don’t know- there are two opera singers performing nightly around 645p at the Mansion House on Hicks between Clark and Love Lane. For those who are familiar – do you know who these people are? They’re amazing.

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    I run at 5am too, and there are plenty of us out there. Too many to socially distance. Even at 5am, not wearing a mask is selfish, irresponsible, and reckless. Just put a mask on. You’re welcome.

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    It’s virtually impossible to maintain a 6 foot distance at all times in this neighborhood.

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    Please don’t generalize. I’m a runner. I wear a mask. I’ve been keeping a rough tally in my head when I run, and I think it’s about 50-50 (masked runners vs. non-masked runners).