For those of you already mourning the loss of Taperia and Connecticut Muffin, read no further. For the rest: I received a tip today that Siggy’s Good Food, the beloved organic eatery of Henry Street where aliens eat free, is closing. I spoke to a waitress at Siggy’s who said she couldn’t comment, but gave me the owner’s email address instead. I shall post updates as I get them. In the meantime, get your mac ‘n’ cheese and quinoa avocado salad while you can.
Update: I have just heard back from Siggy and sadly, the restaurant is indeed closing. The last day is Sunday, March 1st. “It was the hardest decision I have ever had to take in my life, but could not avoid,” she wrote. “The reasons are many, mostly bureaucratic. It is sad very sad, I wish it would have been different. Thank you for all the love and support.”
Siggy’s Manhattan location will remain open.
Back in 2011, our Karl Junkersfeld was there when the restaurant re-opened after Siggy took a much needed vacation: