Open Thread Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Perhaps you recall that last Wednesday, we acknowledged the first day of Spring 2013. Since, we’ve enjoyed a couple snow showers, 28-degree temps, robust winter winds and all the trappings of… February. Here’s hoping that the next week fosters an April Fool’s Day that feels a little less fatuous. Geez… (CT)

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  • Lori

    Enjoying the break from moving my car, since alternate side of the street parking has been suspended the whole week in Brooklyn Heights.

  • sue

    While I was enjoying the break in alternate side of the street parking I noticed an article in Yesterdays Daily News about Daniel Squadron, $65,000 and contributions from those who support housing in the park. Can you cover/look into this and see what is going on? Thank you

  • GHB

    Anybody try to add the monthly to their Metrocard since they upped the fare? What a pain in the a$$!

  • Remsen Street Dweller

    Fight to Save LICH! – It’s not too late. You can make a difference.

  • David Glick
  • Alec

    Just the question I was wondering: do the streets of BK Heights qualify as alternate side parking? Technically they do not alternate sides – (e.g. in every other neighborhood you park one day on one side, the next day on the other, then back again – that’s ALTERNATING) but in BK Heights you don’t really alternate – you move your car once per week for the street cleaning. I moved my car last night to be safe because they will write you a ticket for sneezing in this neighborhood.

  • MonroeOrange

    Hi Alec…while you are correct, that Alt side is usually the 3 hour no parking, where you had to move your car mon and wed, and tues and thurs, etc…When you see that Alt side is suspended, you can park anywhere legal (not metered parking) without risk of getting a ticket. And in fact, i see people parking on both sides of the street. As on Monroe pl, on a tues with alt side suspended, you will see both sides in use, and no one gets a ticket.

  • bklyn20

    Re: Squadron and the park: how can the BBPC, presumably a 501c3 non-profit receiving tax deductible donations, be allowed to lobby and make political contributions?contributions to ddcontribuions to

  • Lois

    Technically, if it’s 8 – 6, that is not alternate side of the street parking but it’s so confusing they usually don’t ticket. Alternate is only the three house of one and a half hour restriction.

  • Lois

    Technically, if it’s 8 – 6 that is not alternate side of the street, but it’s so confusing they usually don’t ticket. Alternate is only the three hour or one and a half hour restriction.

  • Lori

    In addition to the bulbs coming up and the new plantings in the window boxes, another sign of spring in the neighborhood – all the new construction and renovations going on and we can expect more.

  • Alec

    “usually don’t ticket” doesn’t cut it for me. I have had a situation on Montague as well – on Saturdays if I park in front of the No Standing M-F 8-6 red signs, every so often they will give me a ticket for either a) not paying the munimeter even though its not a munimeter spot (I won that ticket actually) or b) not obeying the 730AM street cleaning (I lost that appeal, even though the two cases were virtually identical).

  • bklyn20

    Having trouble commenting with the new set-up!
    Again, is it legal to lobby with donated funds ie the conservancy, or with our tax dollars, ie the BBP Corp?

  • marsha

    I just took a lovely walk and got to see the bridge from the heights to the park-It is lovely and expensive. Its hard to understand how the same people who lobbied relentlessly for this bridge and private housing in the park want to tear down the library. Apparently they believe in using public monies for projects they support . What about the rest of society. (not your kind of society)
    The Bridge will clearly make the hotel a big hit .
    What about refurbishing the library as it stands and enhancing it???? Why is there not money for that yet the bridge gets millions.
    These my neighbors are very mixed up priorities

  • MonroeOrange

    well than Alec…read my post instead, see below.

  • David on Middagh

    The tree pruners hit Middagh St. yesterday. I am no expert, but looking at the tree outside, the amputations look raw to me. Does a cut of four-to-six inches in diameter need sealing? It’s a four-story oak, with a couple such cuts (one vertical, one horizontal).

  • David on Middagh

    I’ll try to upload a pic:

  • Jorale-man

    It’s always interesting to see how the Barnes & Noble on Court Street organizes its displays. Today there were a number of fairly intelligent-looking books on the front tables – not your usual self-help literature or Donald Trump biographies. Also, classical music was being piped in over the speakers. But at the same time, there were several kids rough-housing and the security guard had his hands full. Is the target audience not showing up? Or perhaps I was there at the wrong time of day.

  • rls

    Spring is here and already tons of movie and TV work going on. I know it brings $$ into the city coffers, but it is a drag. Hard to park – hard even to cross the street at times. Wish they’d find another neighborhood.

  • Arch Stanton

    Sealing the prune cuts is no longer recommended.

  • Wiley E.

    That tree cage would make a good brat trap.

  • ltap917

    What target audience are you referring to?

  • Jorale-man

    People who read the kinds of books they’re putting on the displays (i.e. not the people who rough-house in a bookstore).

  • aleks

    looks like the corner store front on henry & orange is shuttered up all of a sudden.. diva salon i think it was?? I think my gf actually went there two days ago to get her nails “did” and today i went across the street to get a bite from heights falafel and notice it’s closed (and there’s several work permits and an liquor license notice posted on the boarded up store front). Anyone know what the story here is? What are the plans here?

  • Andrew Porter

    The sign was removed what, a year ago? The new owner of the building is planning a restaurant here. Aleks, what alternate universe have you been living in? The sidewalk shed around the building also came down recently, after being up for more than half a year.

  • John Kimbrough

    A problem perhaps, though it is put in different perspective when I realize that I do not live in North Korea, Myanmar, Bangladesh or Iraq/Iran. Actually the MTA is great and so are the people who work in and on it…….

  • John Kimbrough

    Brooklyn Heights is a wonderful place to live and also walk in and around. We are all so fortunate to live here, and in New York City, and in a country that provides us with so many wonderful things…….

  • Heather Quinlan

    Having worked at a B&N I can tell you all those displays are designed and planned by the corporate office to be used in all stores, not just individual ones.(With some exceptions like Local Interest.) Though I would like to see a display of Books for Rough-Housers.

  • David on Middagh

    John, I think you must know that you are no longer on the “What Makes North Korea So Scary” CNN page. (Are you aware that your Disqus comment history is showing?)

  • David on Middagh

    Interesting. Thanks!