Poet Laureate Philip Levine Reads a Poem About an Incident on the Promenade


Philip Levine, newly named Poet Laureate of the United States and a Detroit native, now divides his time between Brooklyn and California. The New York Times has a video of him reading his poem about a strange non-encounter while he was strolling on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade several years ago. See it here (there’s an ad first).

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  • karl Junkersfeld

    Thanks Claude, I enjoyed that.

  • T.K. Small

    Last night on The News Hour on PBS, there was a segment about Philip Levine.

  • Andrew Porter

    I continue to be amazed by how many people I know are *from* Detroit (including two people other than me right in my building). The city exported its best and brightest and is the worse for it.