Tag Archives | philip levine

RIP Philip Levine, Brooklyn Heights Resident and Former Poet Laureate

Philip Levine, the Detroit native and former Poet Laureate of the U.S. who considered Brooklyn Heights his real home, and who once wrote a poem about an incident on the Promenade, died this past Saturday at his other home in California. His Heights neighbor, Michael Bourne, remembers him fondly:

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Philip Levine, Poet, on Living in Brooklyn Heights

Philip Levine, Poet Laureate of the U.S. for 2011-2012 (poets laureate are appointed for two year terms) divides his time between California and Brooklyn Heights, but as he says in the video you can see after the jump, Brooklyn is what he calls home. The video, published by the Cortland Review, starts in Levine’s residence, […]

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Poet Laureate Philip Levine Reads a Poem About an Incident on the Promenade

Philip Levine, newly named Poet Laureate of the United States and a Detroit native, now divides his time between Brooklyn and California. The New York Times has a video of him reading his poem about a strange non-encounter while he was strolling on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade several years ago. See it here (there’s an […]

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