Save Engine 205 Rally on Thursday

As many commenters have mentioned, there will be a rally in front of Engine Company 205, 74 Middagh Street, this Thursday (5/26) at 1pm.  The company is on the mayor’s short list of FDNY units to be cut from the city’s budget.

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  • http://HorribleInjusticetoCloseEngine205 Dr. Allan

    There are millions UNcollected fines owed to the city by big RICH developers and the Buildings Dept. has not collected those millions that could help to finance the fire fighters who will be laid off with closings of engine companies. To close Engine Co. 205 that lost 8 men as first responders in 9/11 is a sin. We love our local fire fighters. They helped me escape from an elevator stalled between floors last month in my building. The superintendent couldn’t get us out so we pushed the button with the fire helmet on it and 6 firemen appeared from Engine Co. 205 to rescue us. WE NEED OUR FIREFIGHTERS ESPECIALLY IN THE AGE OF TERRORISM AND NATURAL DISASTERS DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE. THIS IS NO WAY TO COMPROMISE LIFE IN THE CITY. OUR FIRE FIGHTERS ARE OUR FIRST RESPONDERS AND WE NEED MORE OF THEM NOT LESS. DO ALL YOU CAN TO KEEP OUR WONDERFUL ENGINE CO. 205 OPEN. MY HEART BREAKS TO THINK THEY WILL BE CLOSED AND UNEMPLOYED. WE NEED THEM. THEY ARE AMONG NY’S BEST PEOPLE!!!! FIGHT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT FOR THEM TO KEEP LOCAL CO. 205 OPEN.