Halloween in Brooklyn Heights

BHB photo by C. Scales

The great jack o’ lantern collection on Grace Court Alley. (More photos and text after the jump.)

BHB photo by C. ScalesThe crowd on Garden Place.

BHB photo by C. Scales

Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thinglet.

BHB photo by C. Scales

Pirates on Garden Place.

BHB photo by C. ScalesWe’ve already had Howl-o-Ween, but I couldn’t resist including this “hot dog”.

BHB photo by C. Scales

Madame Martha, chef extraoridinaire, and friend hand out the goodies on Hicks Street.

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  • AEB

    There seemed to be a larger pumpkin presence, and a more elaborately decorous one, this year in the nabe than I’ve ever seen before.

    Happened to be in Cobble Hill for a bit and noticed what to me was a new trend: Parents in costume, sitting in front of row houses, with bowls of candy in their laps, waiting to give it away. Alone, waiting. With bowls of candy in their laps….

  • Alanna

    This was my FAVORITE pumpkin display in the nabe.

    I took a picture of my friend laying amongst the ‘kins.


    and another

  • wendy the good little witch

    While you assume those parents you saw, sitting on stoops with bowls of candy in their laps, were waiting for trick-or-treaters, I propose that those adults may in fact have been sitting there discreetly stuffing their faces with peanut butter cups and m and m’s. On what other holiday can adults get away with quite so much undercover indulgence? You leave the house with three dozen Snickers bars, and well, if there are only eighteen trick-or-treaters in the next half-hour, who is to say you haven’t earned a “keep the change, fella” reward? I put it to you that those parents you saw were probably guarding their bowls of candy from marauding children, and what’s that rustling sound coming from your jeans pocket? That wouldn’t be a dozen or so empty Smarties wrappers, would it?

  • nabeguy

    Sheesh, Wendy, you might want to take some sandpaper to your broom…it seems to have some nasty splinters.

  • AEB

    I had all my jeans pockets removed after the tornado, Wendy. So nice try, but….