Nabe Housekeeper Talks Fair Treatment

While this story isn't solely about Brooklyn Heights, we found it quite interesting and a subject that all of us are familiar with from at least one of the points of view discussed. 

The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles: Social Action Groups Fight for Cleaning Ladies' Rights: I am sitting in a Brooklyn diner, having breakfast with Marlene Champion, 61, a tall, striking woman from Barbados. Champion makes her living as a domestic worker, and right now she works as a nanny caring for a 4-year-old girl in Brooklyn Heights.

Champion is also an active member of Domestic Workers United (DWU), a Bronx-based organization fighting for domestic workers' rights. In the 16 years since she immigrated to the United States, Champion has worked in four households, all Jewish. With the exception of one family that treated her badly, she says she's had good relations with all of them.

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