Mr. J. Takes the Plunge at the BBP Pool

Karl and cam were on hand for the opening of the “pop-up-pool” (expected to stay popped up for five years) near Pier 2 in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Following the brief opening remarks by State Senator Daniel Squadron and City Council Member Steve Levin, swimmers eagerly jumped into the water to escape the rising temperature. Eventually, Mr. J. himself couldn’t resist the pool’s allure, and entrusted his cam to someone who caught him emerging from the water. Video after the jump.

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  • lois

    Karl – Glad to see you are back on the job and keeping us abreast of all that’s happening in Brooklyn Heights and surrounding areas.

  • Doe S

    Nice video.

  • WillowSt.Neighbor

    Couldn’t wait to send a link of your video to family in CA and PA.
    Great job, as always.

  • elemengee

    The pool looks delicious–especially sitting here in this unusual heat wave. Squadron called the pool a wonderful “resource for our children” but there were very few children in the video. It looks like the adults took over. So be it–Let’s hope there are adequate controls so we don’t have a McCarren situation.

  • g ross

    There is no McCarren park ‘situation’ it is hyped media and thousands are enjoying the free pool there, including swim laps…chill out.

  • WillowSt.Neighbor

    g ross,

    This is from the NY Times July 4. Also reported in the Daily News.
    Hopefully things are going well now at McCarren Park.

  • WillowSt.Neighbor
  • Jorale-man

    I love that you got sign in about not, um, using the bathroom in the pool.

    Great video as always. And nice to have this resource in the neighborhood.

  • youralemon

    nice video karl – the pool looks great and it will bring a lot of joy to this neighborhood!

    what really struck me is the fact that the admittance is limited to 60-ish people at a time. what will happen to the rest of the people waiting during that hour and a half period everyone else is in the pool? it seems to me with such limited capacity that it would be wise for the city to set up some kind of ticketing system for time slots throughout the day so patrons (young and old!) don’t have to bake on the blacktop surrounding the pool entrance just to have a dip.
    does anyone know if such a system exists? it would be beneficial…especially on a day like today!!!!

    hope everyone is keeping themselves cool! :)

  • youralemon

    in response to comments above regarding the mccarren pool:

    the capacity of the mccarren pool is huge…it was originally built to accomodate up to 6800 swimmers (according to wikipedia: – it is nearly impossible for a handful of lifeguards to contain a crowd of unruly teens at any pool any where during the summertime, but given the capacity at mccarren park and how hyped the re-opening of this public facility was there were bound to be incidents like this occurring. i’m sure a sense of anonymity within the large crowd helped to fuel misbehavior.

    while the pool in brooklyn bridge park is significantly smaller, it has received media attention in the past few days, however, i hope to think that the same kind of negative activities will not occur at bbp because a) it’s basically a wading pool, b) capacity is so limited that everyone in the pool will feel as if they are being watched and potential evildoers will be scrutinized, c) the view of the brooklyn bridge is just so beautiful!!!, d) it’s too damn hot!

  • WillowSt.Neighbor

    I like your idea of setting up a ticketing system for time slots.
    I passed by and took a look at the pool twice today and did not see anyone waiting in line. It appears that everyone who wanted to go into the pool could do so without having to wait. But, that might have changed later on in the afternoon.
    As news of the pool grows, so will the lines. I think that each session is 45 minutes, not an hour and a half. Still, that is way too long to wait on a line in the hot sun. I hope something will be done to address this issue.

  • WillowtownCop

    There’s a huge pool in Red Hook if you don’t want to wait, and a decent sized one on Nevins.

  • Andrew Porter

    WNYC kept broadcasting a segment about the pool, with a several second sound-bite from Karl, and references to the “Brooklyn Heights Esplanade”, on Friday and Saturday.

  • sue

    Today Sunday there were lines at the pool and some on the late line did not gain entry.
    1. Joan Millman is a sneior advocate and representative In .Albany. Does sh expect seniors to wait on this line?? A early senior session might be indicated.
    2Daniel Squadron is by income a mamber of the 1%. Does he wait on this line for a mini pool?
    3. Mayor Mike talks about the obestiy problem but gives us a pool that is too crowded and smaill for swimming.. It is really a mini pool for dipping
    4 Is this the best our albany reps -Squadron and Millman can do for us in negotions with the mayor. The mini Pool is about 25% of what it should be.. Gee what great representatives they are.
    They get us this as part of their giving up their right to veto housing in the park. Lapdogs for the Mayor both!

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    Mr. Porter, thanks for informing me about the use of my insightful statements regarding the pop-up pool. haha

    I never thought wnyc and my name would ever show up on the same page. Here is the link:

  • Anon

    Amen Sue, Amen. Maybe we will un-elect Squadron and get a pool for the rest of us. One day.