Tag Archives | dodger the muskrat

Brooklyn Bridge Park Raccoon Captured

Our friends at Gothamist got some scary looking photos taken last night by Bobby Finger of a ragged looking one-eyed raccoon seen climbing a chain link fence next to a walkway adjoining Pier 1 in Brooklyn Bridge Park. The critter in the photo above is another, much healthier looking Brooklyn raccoon, caught on pixels by […]

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Mr. J. Goes to Movie with a View

Mommy and baby duck, Dodger the muskrat, ships and boats, the Statue of Liberty rising from the mist, tasty treats, a Gershwin score, Marty, and Woody. All for free. Such a deal! Video after the jump.

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It’s a Jungle Out There on Pier 1

Plentiful rainfall this spring has made for lush foliage on Pier 1 of Brooklyn Bridge Park. On my morning walk through the park (I’ve taken to alternating my long walk over the Bridge with a shorter one down Squibb Hill to Pier 1, around the pier then back up to the Promenade) I noticed how […]

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