Tag Archives | Atlantic Yards

BHB Exclusive: Jo Anne Simon Talks About Her Campaign for the 52nd AD Seat

In advance of the Brooklyn Heights Blog’s presentation September 2 of one of the few public discussions on the 52nd Assembly District Race, an important political contest in New York City this year, the BHB sat down with longtime Cobble Hill resident Jo Anne Simon to discuss her candidacy for the seat that outgoing Assembly […]

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Barclay’s Center is Just the Beginning

Ongoing concerns about Barclays Center’s overall impact on surrounding borough neighborhoods—including Brooklyn Heights—could rise from a low roar to a full-on battle cry, given the mammoth long-term plan that developer Bruce Ratner has in mind for the area. Located at the intersection of Flatbush and Atlantic avenues, Barclays is merely the first part to be […]

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Battle for Brooklyn Returns to Heights Cinema

The critically acclaimed documentary film Battle for Brooklyn will return to the Heights Cinema, Henry and Orange streets, this Wednesday, July 6, to begin a one week run every evening starting at 7:15. At the first two showings, this Wednesday and Thursday, the filmmakers, Mike Galinsky and Suki Hawley, along with Daniel Goldstein, who led […]

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DDDB’s Goldstein’s Payday

Cobble Hill Blog asks what Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn’s Daniel Goldstein should do with his $3 million dollar settlement in the Atlantic Yards saga – Should Goldstein take the money and buy a nice home? Should he stick it to the man and use it to fight against the project? Or should he take the “I’m […]

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Brooklyn’s Next Boomtown is Next Door

According to Rich Calder in The New York Post, to find Brooklyn’s newest hot residential area, you need only cross Cadman Plaza or Court Street between Tillary Street and Atlantic Avenue:

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Yassky, Millman, BHA Support Atlantic Yards Oversight

This morning, a press conference was held on the City Hall steps to announce the introduction at the State Assembly of a bill titled the Atlantic Yards Governance Act. If enacted, this bill would establish a new entity called the Atlantic Yards Development Trust, which would have the power to supervise the developer’s implementation of […]

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