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Brooklyn Historical Society Shows How Hollywood Gets History Wrong, For Free!

This coming Monday evening, July 31 at 6:30, the Brooklyn Historical Society begins a series of movie screenings, “Hollywood Does History… Poorly.” This series will “look at films that play fast and loose with history, often to absurd effect.” First in the series is Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989), starring Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, […]

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Coming at Brooklyn Historical Society

On Monday evening, July 24 at 6:30 the Brooklyn Historical Society will present a screening of Rebecca Messner’s film Olmstead and America’s Urban Parks. Frederick Law Olmstead, along with Calvert Vaux, designed Central Park and Prospect Park. Olmstead considered the latter his finest design. Ms. Messner will be present to discuss her film after the […]

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Coming at Brooklyn Historical Society

Aspiring Izaak Waltons will get inspiration at the Brooklyn Historical Society this Thursday evening, July 6 at 6:30 for “Gone Fishin': Brooklyn’s Favorite, Forgotten Pastime,” a panel discussion featuring local anglers and environmental advocates. There’s plenty more coming up in the next couple of weeks, including a book talk on Tuesday evening, July 11 about […]

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At Brooklyn Historical Society This Week

On Wednesday evening, June 28 at 6:30, the Brooklyn Historical Society will present a panel discussion on the timely topic, “Who is Muslim.” It will be led by Imam Khalid Latif, chaplain at NYU, and will feature a distinguished panel of Muslims living in America who will “challenge stereotypes, highlight alternative narratives, and share their […]

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Author of Novel About Vanishing New York at Brooklyn Heights Branch Library Thursday

This Thursday evening at 6:15 the Friends of the Brooklyn Heights Branch Library will present John Freeman Gill, author of The Gargoyle Hunters, “one of Booklist’s picks for Best New Adult Fiction of 2017,” to discuss and sign his novel at the Brooklyn Heights Branch Library’s temporary quarters, 109 Remsen Street. The novel is based […]

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BHS Events Examine NYC Fiscal and World Beer Histories

Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 13) evening at 6:30 the Brooklyn Historical Society will be host to NYU historian Kim Phillips-Fein, author of Fear City: New York City’s Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics. Professor Phillips-Fein will discuss “the fiscal policies that led the city to the brink of bankruptcy, the scare tactics used by […]

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Brooklyn Historical Society This Week

This Tuesday evening, June 6 at 6:30 (all programs begin at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted) the Brooklyn Historical Society will present, from its “Tales from the Vault” series, “Adopting Brooklyn as a Home,” featuring accounts by Puerto Rican, West Indian, European, and African immigrants to Brooklyn. “BHS archivist Brett Dion brings Brooklyn history to […]

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Karl Celebrates Brooklyn Bridge’s 134th Anniversary

Our friend Karl Junkersfeld contacted me to alert me to today’s being the 134th anniversary of the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. He kindly sent me the video he made seven years ago, for the 127th anniversary. Video after the jump (click on “Read full story”); enjoy!

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Coming at Brooklyn Historical Society

It’s a busy week at the Brooklyn Historical Society, with three evening events. All begin at 6:30, and admission for each is $10, or $5 for BHS members. Links to buy tickets are below. For all the talk of a “paperless society” — this blog’s beloved founder had as a slogan “On the web because […]

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Shadows From My Past Screening at Cong. Mount Sinai Wednesday Afternoon

This Wednesday afternoon, May 17, starting at 3:30, Congregation Mount Sinai, 250 Cadman Plaza West (at Clark Street) will present a screening of Shadows From My Past, a documentary film by Curt Kaufman and Gita Weinrauch Kaufman that, based on letters from 1939 through 1941, tells the story of a Jewish family in Vienna struggling […]

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