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“Glassbarge” and Schooner Lois McClure at Pier 5, Brooklyn Bridge Park

The “Glassbarge” and the canal schooner Lois McClure (photo) are docked at Pier 5, Brooklyn Bridge Park through Memorial Day, May 28. They will be open for tours every day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Tours of the Glassbarge, which is owned by the Corning Museum of Glass, and that include lectures and glassblowing […]

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Theater 2020’s Assassins, at St. Francis, Hits the Mark

Assassins is a musical comedy conceived by Charles Gilbert, Jr., and brought to life with a book by John Weidman and music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Playwrights Horizons gave it an Off-Broadway run in 1990, but it didn’t make it to Broadway until a Roundabout Theatre Company production in 2004, with Todd Haimes as […]

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Brooklyn Historical Society Opens “Waterfront” Exhibition, Presents Three Programs This Week

The Brooklyn Historical Society has opened a new exhibition, “Waterfront”, at its second location in the Empire Stores, Brooklyn Bridge Park (55 Water Street in DUMBO). The exhibition contains many fascinating photos, prints, preserved objects, videos and other materials concerning the Brooklyn waterfront over the years. Your correspondent took this photo of some youngsters enjoying […]

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“Big Bad Brooklyn” Theme of Brooklyn Historical Society’s Free Friday This Week

This Friday evening, November 17, from 5:00 to 9:00, is the next “Free Friday” at the Brooklyn Historical Society. Admission is free. Beer is donated by Brooklyn Brewery; you’ll be asked for a suggested donation per bottle that goes to support BHS’s programs and upkeep. This Friday’s theme is “Big Bad Brooklyn”: From bootleggers to […]

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Kristallnacht Remembered at City Tech Wednesday

On the night of November 9-10, 1938 Nazi-inspired gangs rampaged through German, Austrian, and German occupied Czech cities and towns, trashing Jewish owned businesses, synagogues, and houses, and murdering many Jews. This became known as Kristallnacht (“the night of broken glass”) and could be considered the first manifestation of the Holocaust. The 79th anniversary of […]

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Free Friday at Brooklyn Historical Society Presents “Lost Brooklyn”

This Friday evening, October 20, from 5:00 to 9:00, the Brooklyn Historical Society will open its doors to all for its monthly Free Friday. This month’s theme is “Lost Brooklyn”: Explore lost parts of our beloved borough’s history on a trip through the forgotten, the vanished, and the underground! Enjoy free access to our galleries […]

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“Utopia to Dystopia” Lecture at St. Francis Thursday

This Thursday, October 12 at 11:10 AM, St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, will present its annual Dr. Francis J. Greene Honors Lecture. This year’s lecturer will be Professor Gregory Claeys (photo) of Royal Holloway, University of London. He will speak on the topic, “From Utopia to Dystopia.” Professor Claeys’ research focuses on social and […]

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Never Forget-A Very Special Open Thread

Today is a very special edition of Open Thread. The blog remembers the events of the World Trade Center and pays tribute to the nearly 3,000 souls lost. Our hearts are especially with the brave fire fighters, families and loved ones of local firehouse, Ladder 118/Engine 205, who lost six heroic men on that tragic […]

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Hot Event At Brooklyn Historical Society Thursday Evening, August 10: How Curry Spiced Up New York

Did you think America’s first celebrity chef was Chef Boy-Ar-Dee? He was a mere toddler when J. Ranji Smile arrived in New York in 1899 to introduce curry dishes to the city’s high society. On Thursday evening, August 10 at 7:00 the Brooklyn Historical Society will present gastronomic historian Sarah Lohman and MIT scholar Vivek […]

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Is The Brooklyn Heights Historic District a Mistake? Heights Resident Sandy Ikeda Thinks So

Sandy Ikeda is a professor of economics at SUNY Purchase, and a resident of Brooklyn Heights. He’s also a very personable and bright guy, as your correspondent can attest, having gone on two Jane’s Walks through the Heights that he led, one several years ago and one this April. On each occasion he showed extensive […]

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