Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Red Leader

    Thats really too bad. I hope the space is filled by a new tenant soon. Preferably. a gym!

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    News from the North Heights.

    The Northern half of Cadman Park (that which lies between 2 of the 3 entrances/exits to the High St. stop on the A/C) has re-opened. Not entirely – runners cannot complete the “big loop” yet – but mostly. It was getting plenty of use on Saturday, … and it dramatically improves the route from Adams St. to businesses and homes West of the park in the N. Heights while subway repairs proceed.

    Sadly, the “War Memorial” seems to have been unaffected, so it’s still a monument to what was either an imperfect vision when it was built or nobody coming up with a good idea in the 50 (?) years it’s stood empty and purposeless. It’ll be nuts if 2 bathrooms at the Southern end turn into coffee vendors while space whose land underneath would fetch $20-50 million is wasted. Indoor pickle-ball – just a random idea – would mean this lovely park would not need a penny of City money forever, with, say, 10% of the gross being dedicated to that purpose.

    Or a Trader Joe’s, maybe. Or a movie theater.

    Other – likely even better ideas – people??

  • TMH Brooklyn

    Hello everyone. The Music House presents the 15th Annual 4th Window Concert on Sunday, May 19th at 4 PM at the corner of State Street and Henry Street. This local Brooklyn event will feature neighborhood kids playing original arrangements of Rock, Pop and Broadway classics on piano and keyboards. A special tribute to Billy Joel closes out the show. It’s free, there’s a lot of seating, beverages and fun will be provided.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

  • Banet

    Is the space inside/under the war memorial all that large? Does it extend under the paved plaza on the south side?

  • OpenTheRoads


  • MaggieO

    The route for this weekend’s race doesn’t come near bk heights, it’s all prospect park and south

  • Arch Stanton

    Lately, I’m only in the Heights a couple of days a month. But I will pick a nice selection and make a donation., next time I’m around.

  • Arch Stanton

    No, it’s not that large. the walls of the main room are covered with the names of the Brooklynites who died in WWII. There are various rooms on the lower level, that once housed a day camp for kids.

  • Effective Presenter

    That’s ticket, boot, and tow, plus storage charges if the car is left impounded for any time.

  • allibaba10

    Where is this from?! I currently live across the street – would love to see some old shots of my apartment if there’s anywhere to find them!

  • Andrew Porter

    It’s from Al Ponte’s Time Machine on Facebook.

    Here’s another one, from Feb 7, 1929: