Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Banet

    For those with a few spare minutes and a desire to clean up a bit, the Lending Library at the end of Grace Court Alley could use an infusion of good, readable books. It’s been a bit spare in August.

    (I say good and readable because a few people use it as a dumping ground for books that are very unlikely to be taken. Examples include novels that are full of penciled annotation and highlighting from some college class, ancient paperbacks that will obviously split in two if read again, water swollen books that were left in the rain, travel guides from 20 years ago, etc.)

  • Banet

    But in general, thank you for all the wonderful donations. In just a few short months I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of books come and go – it’s been a big hit!

  • meschwar

    People “donating” books nobody wants is my pet peeve.

    People have some weird guilt about throwing out books, so they end up donating books nobody is ever going to want, which is really just passing along a problem. The give away bookshelf in my building is packed with textbooks, diet books, travel books, and self help books, all over 15 years old.

  • Andrew Porter
  • B.

    Anyone else remember the giant Quonset huts near Schermerhorn Street in the 1950s? Evidently double-sized and used as part of St. John’s campus, I just read. Pff! At least I cleared that up. I was beginning to think I imagined them.

  • Claude Scales

    I’ve picked up some interesting books from the give away table in the basement of my building. Maybe it’s because there’s a New Yorker editor living here, as well as a published novelist, two of whose I’ve gotten, one signed. I recently spotted a Walter Benjamin opus there, and thought, “If I don’t claim this, I’ll have to revoke my credential as a self-appointed intellectual.”

  • Banet

    I think there’s no harm in clearing out books (taken to the paper recycling) that are obviously unwanted. After you’ve seen them there for a few weeks or a few months, toss ‘em.

    I clear out the lending library of any book that’s of questionable desirability and has been there for a week or two. The real estate is limited and too many good books show up there. In just the few months it’s been there I’ve read at least 4 books I’ve taken from there and have at least 4 more queued up. The same is true of my spouse.

    And it’s been great for cleaning out the house. We’ve donated somewhere between 50 and 100 books I’d estimate.

  • T.K. Small

    Yesterday I noticed that two additional parking spots have been confiscated at the corner of Pierrepont & Willow for a car sharing entity.

  • MaggieO

    i certainly don’t remember them but here’s an article from the times!
    my grandfather attended Harvard from a quonset hut as a veteran.

  • Andrew Porter

    We used to have shelves for people to give away books in my building, too. There were several people who donated review copies and ARCs.

    Then came the building’s infestation with bedbugs, and the space was shut down, never to reappear.

    Now, people bring books to the Housing Works Thrift Store, or other places.

    The Brooklyn Public Library System stopped accepting donated books several years ago, due to bedbug infestations.

  • Andrew Porter
  • Banet

    Yeah, bringing books home does give me pause but somehow I can’t resist.

    And after bedbugs being a huge problem pre-pandemic they seem to have… disappeared? Has the press just moved on? I don’t know anyone who’s had a bedbug problem in Brooklyn Heights in the last decade.

  • Banet

    Confiscated? How about more reasonably deployed to Rideshare vehicles for all? After all, the vast minority of neighborhood residents have a car and even fewer park on the street. These shared vehicles allow for the option of a quick car “rental” when needed or desired for absolutely everyone.

    I walk past the first two spaces redeployed as such (corner of Hicks and Remsen) multiple times per day and they’re in heavy use. I rarely see the same rideshare vehicle parked there two days in a row.

  • T.K. Small

    If the public has fewer options, as a result of government supporting a private enterprise, I don’t see that as a positive step forward. Even though I am an Amazon shareholder, I also don’t like these designated package drop off bins or citi bike installations.

  • gatornyc

    How is this giving the public fewer options? Seems rideshare (car or bike) increases options and availability versus a parking space that can accommodate one car at a time.

  • karateca2000

    That’s great news. I hate going into a garage to pick up a zipcar. It is much more convenient to grab the car from the street.

  • B.

    Colleges needed to accommodate returning veterans in those days! Evidently the world was full of Quonset huts, including Canarsie. Found photos of model “Father Knows Best” families entering their Quonset homes, lace curtains at the windows, men in suits and ties, wives in shirtwaists — pre-Levittown Levittowns. (Yes, thanks, Andrew, it was on the St. John’s site where my quest for confirmation of this childhood memory finally came to an end.)

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    T.K., I guess you are not excited by the Federal CHIPS Act of 2022.

    Is government support of the private sector a bad thing?

    Just asking.

  • Arch Stanton

    Humm… I’ll have a bunch of books to get rid of soon, maybe this will be a good solution.

  • Andrew Porter

    Two arrested following Friday night’s car crash outside Trader Joe’s. Gothamist has the sad details:

  • T.K. Small

    The CHIPS Act relates to a national security matter, so I would give that a reluctant, but necessary green light. Whether it’s software or infrastructure supporting the burgeoning AI technology, building these chips in the US or on friendlier terrain is important.


    The photo is of State Street. Huts extended from rear of buildings on Schermerhorn St.

  • B.

    Politicians always say car crashes and fatalities are “preventable” with just some more traffic mitigation. You can lower the speed limit to 15, build curb bumps, hoist speed cameras, and so on, but as long as you have psychotically aggressive drivers, you’ll have “accidents.” It’s a mystery that people who routinely flout traffic laws still get to keep their cars at all. They’re insane.

  • Effective Presenter

    Perhaps a sense of entitlement and anger in the world today exacerbate reckless driving??

    Recently we witnessed a debacle a VERY angry driver pulled over and menacing 2 police officers screaming “HOW DARE YOU STOP ME FROM RUNNING A. RED LIGHT ” and threw the ticket at the police officer made a jackrabbit start and had her arm, hand middle finger through her sun roof screaming profanities in a LOUD tone with her children in the back seat, a woman who may have been her mother in front next to her.

    This driver had been outraged by the police officers doing their job.

    God bless NYPD officers.

  • B.

    She sounds crazy, actually. That behavior smacks of more than entitlement. I wouldn’t blame the world for her vulgar snit.