WCBS-TV Covers Aniston Shoot, Talks to Locals


WCBS-TV 2 was on hand at yesterday’s filming of  Jennifer Aniston’s The Baster at Columbia Heights and Pineapple Street.  The station interviewed onlookers including nabe resident Todd Piotrowski.

Watch the full video at WCBS-TV 2.

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  • http://www.toddpiotrowski.com Todd Piotrowski

    Hi Neighbors,

    I’m not even sure why I said it was a hassle? I love it when they film in our neighborhood. Must have been nerves.

    Thanks for the post. By the way, I love the blog. Keep up the great work.


  • Charlie

    What blows my mind is that a story about a film shoot in New York City took up over 7% of a nightly newscast. Where do we live, Duluth?

    Todd, you looked great!