Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Arch Stanton

    If you read through all his posts it will become pretty clear. Aside from that, he used to try to recruit me and my friends, when were teens, into a neo-nazi organization called the Order With a swastika in the O. He also kept a nazi armband in his pocket. I have several witnesses to this. I even have some of the material he used to distribute. so if he wanted to sue me it would blowup in his face.


    Email me proof and I’ll believe it. It all sounds just a little farfetched to me.


    I’ve done a little back reading and it seems you’re not the only making these accusations. And for him possibly being associated with that weirdo who hangs around the former Peas and Pickles? Good company to keep.

    My interest is piqued.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Do I get a chance to comment now?

    But before I say anything, to everyone viewing this, remember, I wasn’t the one to reignite the storm….

    I suggest Mr Gilbert goes back and ALSO reads my now endless answers to Arch and a VERY (like 99.9%) alike earlier attacker who used the ‘name’ Winston Smith. First check the activities on here of WS. Then look at my exhaustive, repeated answer to these reports.
    And, also note my observations that, at this point even if ALL of what was said is 100% true, given the seriousness of what is now occurring few are going to care. First, I’m amazed that anyone would believe something like this given the sources, remainders of a treet scene that was the cause of prolonged and aggravated disruptions and included booze and drug intox behavior in the general reqion. “Arch Stanton” fully ADMITS being a part of that scene, which he defends.
    Go back to last week’s meltdown to see my complete answer.

    But aside from the Winston Smith observation, which Arch has carefully avoided addressing you’ll notice, there are three areas which should be brought to everyone’s attention:

    1) first, LM the person who did unquestionably distribute the literature
    was a person trying to join the circles which arch states he was a
    part of. At the time this person, who I and my friends had become
    VERY suspicious of, had been BARRED from distributing any
    literatureliterature connected to us Immediately after he was
    separated from our activities, he began a series of unauthorized
    And VERY questionable activities, withe the apparent intention of
    discrediting the publications of the group he had just been fired
    from. He also was a major contributor to a major violent incident
    in which an apparent close associate of AS
    was arrested.

    That’s what in truth occured. A total set-up? Well, the person who
    Archie’s now states was under our control were and are in fact on
    lifetiime SSI disability for a serious mental disorder.
    Did Archie or Winston, assuming they are açtuially seperate
    persons, bother to tell any of you that? Well_ of course not
    Because it doesn’t serve his purposes. So let’s see how this goes;
    We go after a drug scene, we target dozens of well connected
    brats who were plaguing the area, we cause a real reduction in
    drugs and youth crime and, what? WE’RE the bad guys? Sure.
    The remnants of a youth group responsible for unbelivable levels
    of disorders are upset at me and my associates? Gee, what a
    Wonderfully unbiasedunbiased and reliable group for everyone to
    base your judgments on….

  • Jeffrey Smith

    And, remember, we weren’t the ones to reignite this matter.

    But if this blog management keeps allowing this blog space to be used as a platform to attack I or my associates, or legitimate, reasonable patriotic activities, this controversy will continue to occupy blog space, which IS unfortunate because of all the important and critical current incidents facing the Heights community.

    Anyone further interested in the above matter, I would refer to previous few weeks of remarks on the subject. I generally consider the matter closed because it has received general examination and.
    I find that so few if any persons not ideologically motovated have any real concern or ascribe veracity or importance to what has been alleged, that there is little real reason to pursue the matter further.


    You don’t even deny your nazi paraphernalia. That’s a lot more concerning to me than a pack of street kids on the corner 40 years ago.

    If you see me on Pierrepont, you’d better run.

  • Concerned

    It seems to me that everyone is missing the point. We all know that Jeff Smith is one sick twisted individual. But Arch Stanton eggs him on and what happens is that we get a 100+ messages on OTW that are 80% gibberish. Let’s treat Jeff Smith like the crazy guy on the train, do not engage him unless absolutely necessary. This will make this blog so much better.

  • Concerned

    Arch Stanton,
    My father is jewish. If you ever call me a neo-nazi again, I promise I’ll find you and rearrange your face with some Krav Maga!!!


    Thing is, I didn’t know. I have no allegiances here. I’m just anti-hate speech. But I certainly agree – this only hurts the forum.

  • GHB

    Open Thread Wednesday used to be an interesting and informative discussion of our wonderful neighborhood. It’s since been reduced to a name-calling bicker-fest between 3 or 4 wusses. Thanks for ruining what could be a great site. Farewell!

  • Andrew Porter

    I think this is another example of Claude Scales being stretched too thin. Numerous incendiary comments that would otherwise be deleted are left up, aiding in the antagonistic speech.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    CWA union protest outside Verizon store on Montague, going on as I write.

  • Arch Stanton

    If you truly are not one of Jeff Smith’s aliases then I sincerely apologize.
    As for rearranging my face; the last guy that tried wound up in the hospital.

  • Arch Stanton

    To The Brooklyn Heights Blog:
    I will no longer engage Jeff Smith or any of his known aliases. I thought if I exposed his bigoted beliefs he would be ostracized by the other bloggers and go away. I see that this will not work and I realize that it caused some others to be offended. This was not my intent and I apologize to anyone who was inadvertently hurt by my comments.


    Archibald P. Stanton

  • Jeffrey Smith and friends

    I REALLY suggest you NEVER even THINK of doing ANYTHING l8ke that. There were like 30 physical confrontations in the late 70’s with our combatting various drug and violent crime types. Just the counter measures we applied to the St George area miscreants produced dozens of ugly scenes.

    And I DO absolutely deny that I was the source of any such literature or “paraphernalia” as I have several times said, the source was a person who was:

    1) Seeking to be accepted by the youth crowd at the court
    2) Had been expelled by our circle of activists
    3) Was apparently resentful of being excluded by our group
    4) He appparently had the intention of discrediting a seperate
    patriotic publication we distributed.
    5) He was NEVER under our control, direction or influence he was,
    and is today self directed
    6) Years later he told me and apparently several others that he is half,
    7). Has a well diagnosed mental disability to the degree that he is
    on a lifetime SSI support.

    This is the person waves of political opponents from writers at the
    Brooklyn Heights Press, to various BHA figures, to waves of casino types, to radical leftists, to let’s kill every Palestinian we can find types assorted one world-lets dissolve American sovereignty advocates to well you name the bums, have tried to say I or associates are responsible for.

    The types who attack me or what and other patriotic activists in the Heights stand for and have accomplished are either ideologically motivated or are misinformed….or simply are vermin.


    Try me.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Why am I a sick twisted individual. Well, because in a group like this or a twisted, severely deformed world, a straight up American appears to be the one object “wrong”.. In a mental lock-up, a healthy person is ” abnormal”. In the Heights with its very British roots, with ( the remainder of) its “gifted” (but really sick) element and the various other political and social change radicals, a normal person with at base middle American values is certainly abnormal. I certainly plead guilty to being greatly “different” that the harmful elements I am often surrounded with.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    But “hate speech” IS free speech. And if you attack or attempt to limit speech (which you or others have unilaterally) labeled hate speech, you are attempting to limit or eliminate a basic most fundamental American RIGHT…..Which a lot of valiant Americans have DIED for.

  • AEB

    Atta boy, Arch! But…what does the P. stand for?

  • Jeffrey Smith

    The CWA members are 1000% right! Verizon’s outsourcing jobs world wide is destroying the American worker and this unbridled activity will distroy this country. One world is poison!

  • J1st Admendment Smith

    So the “civil rights” advocate suddenly decides that censorship is just the thing we need. This is a great example of how leftists and their liberal fans really deal with contrary voices. The always at the first opportunity move to suppress as many competitive voices as possible.


    I guess I’m just bigoted against nazis.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    You have a perfect right to your view. This is understandable. I only ask people not to be influenced by questionable sources, which I always warn people, have often hidden nagendas.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    The CWA workers, some of whom are Heights residents, are 1000% right. Verizon’s outsourcing of work world wide is poison to this country and the lives of thousands of formerly secure families nationwide who have now been destabilized

  • Concerned

    You’re a good man, Blondie. Sorry for the aggravation.

  • Jeff Smith

    Rockabilly rules!

  • Boerum Bill

    Homer’s looking down from Heaven, shaking his head right now.


    I really admired Homer. And I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like nazis either.

    More so, it’s pretty tasteless to bring up his name.

  • Claude Scales

    I don’t have the ability to delete posts or ban posters. If I did, I would use it, if at all, very sparingly, limiting it to clear violations of the terms of service, e.g. use of demeaning epithets, threats, slander, revealing personal information about others,

  • Big Jeff Smith

    Well, really Homer started this whole thing. I was involved in a very positive neighborhood project and he decided to use his blog to attack me and dredge up the whole 1978 fabrication and he laced it with all the falsehoods that arch simply repeated.

    And if you repeat a falsehood enough, it remains false, but people begin to treat it like a verified truth….and I wonder who taught that idea? Hmmm-