Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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    Please stop talking about Homer. He was a terrific guy, and an extraordinary member of our community.

  • Jeff Smith

    I’m not saying homer did not do good by establishing this blog. But when I met him he just had a bug in his head about me. He wouldn’t answer me if he was one of the hang-outs at the court house or his views on the “recreational” drug use by youths in that era. But he shared say, Dozier Hasty’s ridgid mindset about me, my associates and our activities. He, like Dozier, went way out of his way to attack me without provocation. Really, out of the blue. Go back and read his “troll by any other name” semi litrrate attack. This all followed a LOT of casino kids getting “hassled”, for good reason, by law enforcement. You’ll note that The Heights Press instantly dropped the whole story of the fight, arrest and wild youth gang scene down at Gold Street. Why? Because publication would establish which side were the real culprits. His is just a mindset, and no amount of actual hard facts will alter the mindset.

  • Arch Stanton

    Thanks, but that I’ll take to my grave….

  • Neighbor

    What’s going on at the church at pierrepont and Monroe? Lots of secret service people are around there.

  • T.K. Small

    It seems that Bernie is holding an event at the Unitarian Church on Pierrepont Street at 7 PM this evening (Saturday). Other than the fantastically elaborate portable ramp, I am not interested in attending, but I just wanted to pass on this information.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    I and two of my “associates” are across the street, he slithered into the I guess you’d broadly call it the parish house on Monroe. According to a sources, the police got very late notice of the event. Given that, this is being handled smoothly and professionally by all levels of law enforcement. I don’t always say LE does things this good. But they have handled this well.
    The save the library people demonstrated for over a hour. Now waiting for Bernie to leave and perhaps some of his remarks to be on You Tube……

  • Andrew Porter

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    Nobody cares. You’re not an activist. You’re a hate monger and it’s a pretty tired act.