Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Roberto Gautier

    Good point. Move beyond using only words. As a matter of curiosity, which actions have you been involved with personally? That may help others in our neighborhood to choose their own routes to effect change. Of course, this conversation is taking place in the medium of blog posts that often function as an effective bulletin board for calls to action.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    I supplied a highly accurate directory of the buildings dept and two other agencies we with much difficulty built up over YEARS in the firm I managed. It contained the well concealed numbers of key city and state govt persons actually responsible to control specific type of wrongdoing, like the financial crimes dig of state taxation for example.Guess how much hidden, and DRUG money is hiding in real estate. I have been involved in a wide range of really effective actions. But given the huge corruption, insanity and general downward spiral of New York, its like sweeping the sands of the sea.

    For example, Bloomburg, short circuited the private route for activists with the 311 filtration/tracking system. Now any city creep can blithly tell callers “they must” go through 311…which is a perfect barrier/ dodge….

    But make NO mistake mass noise works! But it HAS to be backed up with competent, usually but not always, well financed legal action


    A group which effectively unearths negative information on elected or high appointed officials that they either have to design or some prosecutor feel he has to move for an indictment, if only to cover him or herself.

    THEN you get some relief from assaults on your community

  • redlola

    I’m pretty sure all that was more clever in your mind than it actually sounds here. However, since this is not English class, your points are not only silly but irrelevant. Please refrain from addressing me unless you have something on topic to contribute. I have a sinking suspicion you don’t because only petty, non thinkers resort to ad homa.

  • Concerned

    RED LOLA for mayor!!!!

  • Willow Street Watch

    We have the “2:08″ early AM nightly overflights, well, NOW there’s the 4:00 PM to about 6:30 PM mystery dangerously low buzzing of the Heights.
    Shaking often violently everything from the fourth floor up! The BIG question is, what are the looking for?

    Note: I attended a NGO gathering last week when someone from the NY Times asked a speaker how much nuclear material and how many nuclear devices are now MISSING and in no way accounted for…he was quickly shushed by the host!

    But the question is, if certain sensors, including radiation sensors, ONLY or best work at very low altitude…. What EXACTLY are these overflights doing?
    Doesn’t anyone in officialdom or our wonderful uncontrolled press think the citizens have a right to know what dangers may exist resident in an area?

    But if you don’t exactly like your dinner vibrated or your sleep being made impossible, or your kids jolted awake at 3 AM there ARE a number of
    places you can register your questions as to why this is happening and how glad you are this is being done to your family: First, you can get off your complaining duffs and call the 84 Precinct direct line: 718 875 6228 you can also storm call the NYPD Aviation Div at Floyd Bennet Field. (718) 692 1220 …Then you can call the FAA office of inspector general. 202 366-1514 or 800-424-9017…Tell them that you think there may be a “possiblity” of nonfeasance or malfeasance existing in the lack of overview of these flights and you’d like them to investigate….

    Tell them all that you know the downlinks from a LOT of these flights are on FEDERAL frequencies (take our word for it) but couldn’t they possibly shed SOME light on what the overflights are and what they are LOOKING FOR?

  • Jeffrey Smith

    So now besides a 2:08 AM nightly areo harrasement we have a “6:08″ air assault. So you don’t need to turn your dinner steak courtesy of….who?
    Well, get off your lazy complaining duffs and make the supreme effort to en masse call the above locations and deliver a non threatening non improper but forceful message that you DON’T think this is legitimate governmental behavior.

    Then follow up with a certified or reg. Letter putting your complaint in writing.

    You have to show yourselves capible of forceful, intelligent action or you’ll be walked on forever…like your being walked on now……

  • GrewUpHere

    You’re either a troll (in which case you’ve definitely gotten your catch from your bait) or a pompous ass. Insulating your kids from the real world will only make them even less empathetic you you apparently are. Homelessness is a problem to be solved, to be sure, but blaming the homeless themselves, let alone advocating that we pay *other* people to go harass them until they move on doesn’t solve anything except shift your inability to explain the real world to your kids.

    I mean, seriously, that’s one of the douchiest things I’ve ever seen proposed on this blog. How about you try and raise money for homes for the homeless instead? (which has been shown to work better even than services for helping th problem). Or go talk to your job about whether their hiring practices discriminate against the homeless? Or at least how about you stop turning up your nose at people down on their luck who have just as much right to the [public street as you do since you don’t seem to do anything else that will help, you can at least remove yourself as a problem, eh?

  • Brixtony

    If you’re hearing a “hoo hoo”regularly, it’s probably a mourning dove. They sound like the stereotypical owl call that kids do.

  • Ben

    Has anyone noticed the brown paper on the windows of Bevecco? Are they closing? Renovating?