Open Thread Wednesday

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  • Jeffrey Smith

    I bet it…in your brilliant cosmology, there’s no either, no energy latent in space, no concept of hyperspace. Wonderful conceptual limits…

    But, sure, every casino type wants us to go on paying for electric/energy forever….how profitable, how good for this country…

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Sure, some casino type is wandering around the projects and “dangerous places” and armed? Really? In what capacity? official observer from the Groton or Collegiate sociology department?
    YOU went into Farragut late at night? Maybe now with the neighborhood being yuppified….

    But you have some right to criticise police in this case?

    For your information; this is an absolute scapegoating.

    This is a Calley case. This officer is being throwen to the wolves by
    City hall and to a significant extent CofC circles who just want peace so that they can go on making money. This is certainly a tragedy, but a crime?

    What about the projects management who have allowed those stairwells to be dark and really dangerous forever? What about
    generations of Mayors and city leadership who also allowed those
    conditions ? I get it…its all on the police….What a great attitude, what a great thing for this city and great message to the streets.

  • Arch Stanton

    Yup Farragut and many other housing projects, at all hours, mostly back in the 80’s when it was real bad. In the early 90’s I had an industrial shop up in Harlem, someone got shot around there almost daily. Ive had guns pointed at me in malice and been shot at a couple of times.
    Ya see, contrary to what you imagine, I’m no ivy league “blue blood” type, I have nothing to do with the Heights Casino nor do I want to.
    The cop got what he deserved. He didn’t follow protocol and fired his weapon unnecessarily resulting in an innocent mans death. Then lied in court to obscure the facts. A jury found him guilty because he is.

  • Arch Stanton

    In my brilliant cosmology, there is no crackpot lunacy.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I’m still snooping around Heights Deli and the Lantern kitchen for the Casino entrance. I just want to sit in on a meeting, or audit a class or whatever.

  • Jeffrey J Smith

    I still have the strongest feeling that AS is a bot. And I don’t react to or attribute any veracity or importance to what bots generate….

    And as far as classes available; One is on how to destroy our constitutional republic. Another is on how to force everyone into a (one) world government. Other courses are on how to flood America with drugs and illegal felons and one course is on how to erase the last vestiges of western civilization.

  • Jeff Smith

    So its in the interests of this Mayor, and general commercial commun
    city to keep peace with a potential howling mob. So they whistle up some law school graduate to make a instant prosecution in front of one of King’s county’ s famious unbiased towards cops juries and all this makes perfect sense and is perfect good civic procedure….

    This is a classic Calley case where you have a good hearted person in civic service who is being thrown to the wolves of a protest move-
    ment for the convenience of a group of cheap or radicalized office holders….and everyone is supposed to accept all of this.

    People who support or accept or even quietly go along with some-
    thing like this have NO right to any safety or security. This is EXACTLY how we throw this city back into the conditions we had in the 1970’s….(and you’ll notice just exactly WHO is an advocate of this; someone who was a member of a chronic drug and crime scene which was plaguing the Heights during that era!!!)

  • Arch Stanton

    “Calley case” as in the My Lai massacre?
    This case does not relate, in any way.
    If you read up on the cop case you will find he swore under oath his gun fired without pulling the trigger, the jury physically examined the gun and thus found his testimony to be BS. that’s what got him convicted, a lie, from his own mouth.

  • CHatter

    I have a large dog, and I don’t know whether I’m representative of our lot or not, but I absolutely love it when people ask me if they can pet him. It somehow validates and reinforces my love for him too, and brings my neighbors a little joy. Who wouldn’t want that? My suggested strategy (I do this all the time with other people’s dogs): make eye contact with the pooch, and see if you get a tail wag. Dogs are great at sniffing out friendly people. Having made that love connection, a simple (to the dog) “hello! (turn to owner) can I say hi?” and you’re off to the races.

  • Andrew Porter

    And here you can see Cybill Shepherd and Martin Scorsese on the set for “Taxi Driver,” with what would become Signature Dental in the left background. [Image: Columbia Pictures]

  • StudioBrooklyn

    Precisely the kind of response I was looking for! :)

    What you’ve described has pretty much been my tactic, I just wanted to make sure it was acceptable to dog owners before I make it too much of a habit. Thanks for the reassurance.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    In that case Arch has passed the Turing test with flying colors, because I for one detect a pulse.

    The casino, as you describe it, sounds amazing! Like Hogwarts for leftists. Please tell me more.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Turing schmuring, I still this is a bot…….

    But for those outside parties reading any of this, I’m hardly an arms expert, but given the NYPD history of outsourcing parts, an accidental discharge is an impossibility? Huh? What? There have undoubtly hundreds of deaths and thousands of serious injuries from accdential discharges nationwide over the last few decades.

    But let the discharge happen in a potentially racially charged setting and presto someone has to be thrown to the perusing wolves of the dempnstators and the wonderfully unbiased media. What if this discharge had happened in say, Midwood to a middle class business
    man or a Oriental shopkeeper? Would there be this kind of rush to prosecution?

    What a great thing for public safety….

  • Jeff let’s all join the lucis

    Well, a series of occultists started BOTH the right but especially and most directly the left. And a occult movement in large measure started what we know as the Heights.

    There are two schools of occult theocracy which are responsible for modern British financial read banking development and English political history. When I was a kid, a lot of the old families which my family would have little to do with, believed that Britian was a lost tribe of biblical Israel.

    One of my neighbors is a club of Rome member and aide to a perennial Bilderberger invitee. Another is the guy who first told Wreston that Visa was a handy dandy method to escape most states usury laws. Both never tire of referring to me as a bigot! Typical Heights madness.

  • Arch Stanton

    “NYPD history of outsourcing parts” What do you mean by this?
    Anyway, by your on admission you have little knowledge of firearms. That’s a good thing as it means you probably don’t own any. I do own several firearms, know quite bit about them and I have a background in mechanical engineering. So my educated, well informed opinion, your belief that a modern pistol could spontaneously fire in ones hand without the trigger being pulled, is pure fantasy. Especially with the Glock which is one of the most well designed safest pistols ever made. Furthermore, the NYPD requires the trigger pull to be 9-12 pounds which is quite a bit harder than 5.5 lb. standard (Liang’s was 11.5). I defy you to come up with credible evidence how such an accidental discharge is possible.

  • JS–Moray/Farnsworth 4 Pres.

    So in bot land it never occurred to anyone that space may be a medium holding latent energy which can be extracted.

    I see, well there are dozens of really good papers on the concept of other states and the energetics involved published in the last decade.

    If the NON particle sector of physics had not been starved for funding since the early 20’s we would have a real answer to the energy needs of humanity. Well, bots need little energy. They and mindless PC greens, because they do everything to hold back real process, in reality, care little for humankind. Only for their (and the bankster’s) control mechanism…..

  • Arch Stanton

    I was referring to your assertation

  • Jeffrey Smith

    See folks, all you do is to deny a well known, and even better documented fact and now we’re supposed to accept that fact doesn’t exist. Really?

    Tell what, everyone reading this, why don’t you simply google: Glock accidental discharges…see what instantly appears on your device.
    I’m no expert, but when 30 Seconds(!) of research yields DOZENS
    of seasoned experts who highly document this firearm’s history of inadvertent discharges, its time we all question any person making unsupported denials..and we need to SERIOUSLY question the outcome of this trial.

    And the NYPD, along with other critical public safety agencies, like fire, having egregiously and repeatedly sourced critical safety parts and supplies from totally inappropriate sources, remember the fire ropes which snapped? Besides google, why doesn’t everyone put Glock malfunctions in You Tube. Look at the examinations of the
    EXACT malfunction which appears to have led to this tragedy.

  • Arch Stanton

    Okay I did the search and found nothing in the first 10 links showing any proof the Glock to be inherently defective or be able to fire spontaneously. All the accidental discharges in the articles are incidents where the finger was on the trigger but was squeezed accidentally. The main criticism being the Glock’s trigger pull is too light and thus too easily discharged, even if you buy that argument, still means operator error as the trigger still must be pulled, not a defect in the firearm itself. And that certainly wasn’t the case in the incident in question as the NYPD has the triggers set to require a hard 9-12 lb. pull
    89% of law enforcement agencies use the Glock for good reason, it has been tested to be one of the safest firearms ever made. Of course there are going to be accidents, as any gun is only as safe as the person holding it and ubiquity of the Glock means more will happen with it than other lesser used firearms, doesn’t mean it’s unsafe.
    As for the anecdotal tails of people who swore “it fired without their finger on the trigger” (many would easily lie about such a f*&k up). again not one backed up by credible evidence the Glock was at fault.
    You also have no proof the NYPD some how use defective parts in the maintenance of its arsenal.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    To the people reading this, notice that ANYTHING certain elements don’t want circulates is immediately a “conspiracy theory” Hmmm-

    Well first people should know that Tesla was not able to complete finalized products because he had his funding suddenly cut by Morgan and his other Wall St backersbackers.

    And as far as documentation not being fully available, well, first everyone should remember that hours after his death, federal agents broke into his premises and hauled away hundreds of pounds(!) of
    Key documents and plans related to his research.

    Little things certain bots will never tell you…..

  • Arch Stanton

    You speak out of two sides of your mouth. First you say: “Tesla had a working fuel less car which was electric but had no and didn’t need batteries” then you say “Tesla was not able to complete finalized products because he had his funding suddenly cut”

    Tesla died in January of 1943, right at the height of WW2, Of course the feds gathered up all his research, to keep it from falling into enemy hands, DUH.
    Doesn’t mean that research contained the key to unlimited free electricity, any information contained in his works would not be wanted in the wrong hands. Besides, if that technology existed the feds would have used it for the war effort, an army that had unlimited power for its vehicles would have been more powerful than the Atom Bomb.

  • Jeffrey Smith

    Let me get this straight..federal agents burst into a deceased’s home, without a warrent. The haul away hundreds of pounds of personal files and they never, or very little, see the light of day again!
    No returning them to family members . They just go poof! And thier GONE! Enemy agents? Ha! And by the way, much evidence exists that the papers or copies of the papers ended up in the hands of the soviets via such darlings as Harry Dexter White and the communoist cabal which was running arpund Wahington at the time. A lot of the papers were transferred to Yugoslavia!!! At that government’s request. This WHILE Yugoslavia was under soviet control! But in this country, the heirs and the American people at large, were never given, and will be never given access to the vast bulk of what was illegally seized.

  • Arch Stanton

    ^ This is what happens when you get your history from comic books.