At Tuesday evening’s CEC13 Brooklyn meeting, planners from the Department of Education revealed a draft proposal (see photo) that would greatly shrink P.S. 8’s zone by taking away DUMBO and Vinegar Hill, which would be added to the zone of P.S. 307. The redrawn zones would apply only to students entering kindergarten, or transferring in at a higher grade level, after the rezoning goes into effect. “Sibling grandfathering” may be allowed.
The rezoning would, according to the planners and based on projections that reflect the effects of planned new residential construction, alleviate the overcrowding at P.S. 8, while enhancing the presently underutilized P.S. 307.
For more information, including how to comment on or ask questions about the proposal, see my Eagle story.
Update: the Powerpoint slides used by the planners in their presentation, including projected enrollment figures, diversity, etc. are here.