Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • StudioBrooklyn

    …strange place to find a gondolier singing Puccini arias. I’ll have to have a talk with my wife!

  • Willow Street Watch.

    The 2 AM air surveillance is back. The whatever agency helio is back now with a 1930’s prison picture searchlight onto rooftops and into windows while it shakes apartments. It’s sort of a “surge” only in the air. It now makes an oval from about mid block Henry bet Clark and Pierrepont to old Fulton st. Its not at all clear what agency is involved but again, most of the down links are on federal frequencies so…..

    So IS there a credible threat serious enough that it warrents nightly 2 AM disruption? Try sleeping on an upper floor with this. Going on….

  • ltap917

    The few times that I actually saw a police presence in the Heights was when the president came to town. My husband and I stopped sitting on the Promenade in the evenings because we once sat next to a group of rowdy teens drinking out of paper bags and getting rowdier by the minute.

  • ltap917

    Not enough schools. No hospital close by. Scant police presence. Library?
    Need I go on.

  • Bongo

    One overrated Japanese sushi joint. One underrated, but limited menu Japanese sushi joint (great simple rolls), and one Chinese, masquerading as Japanese, truly awful sushi restaurant? So, no I don’t think a good Japanese noodle restaurant would be too much.

  • StudioBrooklyn

    I’m also curious as to what “casino humor” means. I’m now scurrying to find a good blackjack zinger. When I find out, I’ll start posting them in the open threads.