Brooklyn Heights Veterinary Hospital Update: Renovating and Open for Business

This update from Dr. Heather Thomson of the Brooklyn Heights Veterinary Hospital at 59 Hicks Street:

We are currently in the process of finishing renovation plans for the office which hopefully will be completed by the end of the month. Once this renovation is done, we will be able to offer all of our procedures in house including surgery and dental services.
Currently and during the time of renovation we will be offering housecall visits for routine care, and are still able to do procedures at an offsite hospital.

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  • Larry Burnett

    We brought our new adoptee dog there today, Zooey. They were wonderful, informative and efficient.

  • Larry Burnett

    Here’s a pic

  • marshasrimler

    i us Dr. Norton who is now on her own but am thrilled to learn of a new service in the Heights. How great they renovated this space which needed it. Now we have to get BPL and our electeds to step up and renovate our library which also needs it.
    Renovate and stop sell-offs of public assists

  • Teresa

    May I respectfully ask that you not hijack threads with your personal agenda? You need wait only until tomorrow for the open thread.

  • DIBS

    ((rolls eyes))

  • marshasrimler

    i will honor your request but it is not my personal agenda thousands oppose the library destruction plan put fourth by BPL

  • GHB

    But it has nothing to do with this thread!

  • marshasrimler

    I hear you

  • BrooklynCoffeeLover

    While we are at it guys, can we talk about Citibike?

  • Cobalt_Basement_Development

    the renovation sounds exciting with all the new available services