Winter Of Discontent: Bossert Hotel Gets A New Architect

Looks like the conversion of the Bossert Hotel will take a little longer as developers the Chetrit Group and David Bistricer have decided to change architects. This on the heels the their latest plans being nixed by the LPC.

Also, residents of nearby 200 Hicks Streets have voiced their concerns about noise and other issues arising from construction on the historic hotel.

Brownstoner: Jeffrey Holmes of Australian architecture firm Woods Bagot has replaced Gene Kaufman as the architect of record overseeing the conversion of the landmarked Hotel Bossert. Selldorf Architects was also briefly on the project, but parted ways earlier this year. The latest filings to convert the Jehovah’s Witnesses property back into a hotel were disapproved in November.

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  • Ann B Chapin

    I feel so sorry for the residents of 200 Hicks. Things in this neighborhood are always undergoing change. I had to put up with the College Place garage turning into condos! Live with it!

  • Lois

    The four or five tenants that have been there for many years were all on different floors until recently, when they were all moved to the 13th floor. They have been told that they would not get back to their own apartments until May or later.

  • Arch Stanton

    Live with what?

  • Andrew Porter

    Apparently the plans were approved, after this was posted.

  • MonroeOrange

    So bc you had to deal with lots of noise, the people at 200 hicks st, should also have to deal with it?

    i would think you would be empathetic to people have to deal with the same difficult situation you had to deal with?

  • Arch Stanton

    There is no “difficult situation”. The work on the Bossert has been going on for months, all but unnoticed because all the work is going inside the building. Ya dummy.

  • Ann B Chapin

    Oh Please! 200 Hicks is a “white glove” building with 50% down to buy.
    They feel that they are the privilaged group who can dictate what does or does not happen in the Heights? Heaven help them that they have to put up with a little inconvenience?? That was my point.
    and what is your real name? DO come out behind your pseudo!

  • Ann B Chapin

    BTW it was not just the noise but the trucks etc. blocking the street-since it is dead end–VERY much of a problem–

  • MonroeOrange

    Arch, such class you have, i wasn’t even directing a post at you and you call me name (are you out of grade school yet?).

    And you call me a name bc im empathetic to people who are dealing with a difficult situation, such as constant construction?…you know i felt bad that your dog got electrocuted on Montague, and while i still feel bad for your dog, i feel worse that your dog has an owner as poor of a human as you are. I guess dogs can’t pick their owners, too bad……

  • MonroeOrange

    so my point again is that, just bc you had to deal with a difficult situation, is not justification for other people to have to deal with the same situation. I would think you would be empathetic to other people’s issues, regardless of how much money they do or don’t have….and my real name is Monroe Orange…i was named after the 5th president of the USA. And my surname of Orange dates back to the English.

  • Andrew Porter

    I just looove topic drift!

    Hey, I lived through the conversion of 111 Hicks, aka the St. George Tower, into apartments, followed by the conversion of 60 Pineapple, which started at the end of the StG conversion process. There is nothing like the sound of an empty dumpster crashing to the street at 4am, then the grinding metal sound as it’s moved into position by a giant truck—the sounds of which I am sure the residents of 200 Hicks have been spared. Just like people who live next to fire houses, I too discovered that after a while, I could sleep right through this horrible noise.

  • Arch Stanton

    What a load of BS.

  • Arch Stanton

    I called you a dummy because your comments are wrong about a 95% of the time.

  • Varcity

    Based on the developments they will definitely have to extend their development period because with a new architect in employ many plans would have to be gone through with him