What Was The Deal With “Just Divorced” Van On Cranberry Street?

On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Fink snapped this photo of a van parked on Cranberry Street. On its back window the words “Just Divorced” were scrawled in white letters. What’s the deal with that?

Also included was a a Twitter handle “@ariblau”. Using the power of “the Google”, we found that Blau is a comic and this is one of his jokes. He’s recently penned a blog post called “Keep Your Break Up Offline” which encourages jilted lovers to not share the gory details of their love lives on social networks.

Blau has a YouTube channel (natch) and has just finished his indie film “No Love Intended”.

He recently moved to Brooklyn. No word on if he’s in the Heights.

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  • Step Your Game Up

    A struggling actor has a youtube page? … AND a Twitter account? Wow, that’s newsworthy. Thanks for informing.

  • Wiley E.

    Doesn’t the ex-wife always get the car (and house)? Something seems fishy here.

  • Knight

    That vehicle has been around the neighborhood for a couple of months.

  • MonroeOrange

    Nothing “just” divorced about it…I have seen this car for last 6 months at least….the joke was clever at first, now its ‘just’ tired.

  • Boerum Bill

    Probably living in it…DOWN BY THE RIVER!!

  • http://www.facebook.com/heather.quinlan Heather Quinlan

    Reminds me of the asbestos coffin protest.

  • Jim

    Love the Jersey humor – about time they register their car in NY