Don’t Forget to Vote Tuesday

Tuesday, June 26 is the primary election date for both Democrats and Republicans (we understand there are a few of these latter around, including our own T.K. Small). On the Democratic side, incumbent U.S. Representative Nydia Velazquez is being challenged by three hopefuls: Erik Dilan, George Martinez, and Dan O’Connor. On the Republican side three candidates, Wendy Long, George Maragos, and Bob Turner, are vying to challenge incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Kirstin Gillibrand in November’s general election. Because of the summer date, turnout is expected to be low, so your vote will be important. Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. You can check your polling location here.

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  • Quinn Raymond

    Definitely voting for Velazquez. She has a solid record in Congress and Dilan is a pawn of Vito Lopez.

  • PromGal

    @Claude Scales and Quinn Raymond
    This is supposed to be a neighborhood blog, not a political one. As Claude mentioned in his post, there are posters here and members of the Brooklyn Heights community on all sides of the political spectrum.
    I for one would appreciate BHB remaining a neighborhood forum, not becoming an outlet for partisan politics and electioneering for a particular candidate.

  • DIBS

    I’m a Republican and proud of it. Kirstin Gillibrand is my cousin (not first cousin).

  • David on Middagh

    Why shouldn’t there be electioneering and partisan politics here, either in posts or the comments? Isn’t that what democracy’s about?

  • Mr. Crusty

    @PromGal The blog, as evidenced by this post, has remained politicaly neutral and was just informing it’s readers that tomorrow is primary election. Imfindmthat completely appropriate.

    On the other hand, i think any commenter certainly has the right to way in with any political comment they wish. You certainly are not shy in presenting your viewpoints why can’t others discuss their political preferences? Everything is political isnt it?. I didnt hear you complain when Mayor Bloomberg was excoriated by those oppossed to the BBP. Cant get any more political than that.

    Btw, congrats on getting quoted in the NY Post PromGal. ;-)

  • petebklyn

    But they’re cousins,
    Identical cousins all the way.
    One pair of matching bookends,
    Different as night and day.

  • Quinn Raymond

    PromGal: if you’re uncomfortable with the democratic process occasionally intruding on your life, there are other countries besides the US in which you might consider living.

  • Knight

    Patty’s only seen the sights
    A girl can see from Brooklyn Heights!

  • Mr. Crusty

    Where Cathy adores a minuet,
    The Ballet Russes, and crepe suzette,
    Our Patty loves to rock and roll,
    A hot dog makes her lose control …
    What a wild duet!

    A hot dog? In the Heights? Disgusting.

  • PromGal

    I join Claude Scales in encouraging all registered voters to vote.
    My feeling is partisan politics, that is, specifically touting one candidate and trashing her challenger us inappropriate on a neighborhood forum.
    I’m all for freedom of expression, and there are many outlets for that- a political forum, Free Republic, Daily Kos, DU are all open for discussion.
    As for you Quinn Raymond, I don’t need you or anyone else telling me vote “vote for X” “Y is a stooge”. I, and every other American is totally capable if making those decisions himself.
    As for your ” love it or leave it approach” I would suggest looking in the mirror.

  • epc

    I keep looking n my copy of the BHB user’s contract for the line that says BHB must be perfectly neutral at all times and can’t find it. Could someone point out where, precisely, it says that Homer, Claude & co owe anyone here anything?

    Personally I’d rather read an obvious, strongly held, opinion than the so called view from nowhere phlegm that pollutes so-called mainstream media.

    Political representation has had a definite impact on Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO. If anything, the lack of an outlet for strong, vocal opinions has hurt neighborhoods which don’t have a well known political patron with clout.

  • PromGal

    Brooklyn Heights definitely lacks political representation. Democrat machine politicians like Nydia Velasquez are not representative of the population of BH.

    The main reason BH is so poorly represented, and the interests of our community disregarded, is because a very large portion of the adult population, around 1o-15% are Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose “religion” prohibits them from voting. When you have that many people not voting, politicians will ignore us.

    Hopefully, that will change when the JoHos leave “Bethel” and relocate upstate.

  • Mr. Crusty

    Errrrrr…. PromGal that sounds like a mighty partisan statement regarding Democratic machine politics. So when you say you want the blog to remain non-partisan can we assume you mean you don’t want it supporting Dem’s? Rather convenient.

    And how do you come to the conclusion that Velezequez doesn’t represent BH? Don’t you really mean to say she doesn’t represent you? They are not the same thing you know.

  • David G.

    Also, more to the point… Velazquez is NOT the Democratic machine candidate endorsed by the Vito Lopez machine.

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    @Mr.Crusty, hilarious congratulating PromGal on making the NYPost! I’ve been waiting for days for her to weigh in on that thread. Seems like she is steering clear, for obvious reasons.

  • Heightster

    Just get out and vote! Ensure you know where you are voting. I’m in district 120, and I used to vote at PS8. My new polling place is 101 Clark Street.

  • David on Middagh

    I often favor candidates endorsed by the Working Families Party. (They’re behind Velazquez in this primary.) Since a candidate can be listed under more than one party, I’ll vote for the WFP listing to show I appreciate the independent vetting work done.

  • SJK

    Poll workers at St Ann’s & The Holy Trinity Church are prohibiting voters whose election districts vote at that location from actually voting at the church. Voters are being erroneously sent to other polling places, despite the fact that their election district votes at St Ann’s & The Holy Trinity Church.

  • Matthew Parker

    Holy low turnout, Batman! As of 3:10pm, when I voted, the two scanners registered less than 250 votes in total over at 101 Clark St.

  • Matthew Parker

    Holy low turnout, Batman. As of 3:30pm, 101 Clark St. had less than 250 votes as shown by the two scanners.

  • Neighbor Hood

    @David On Middagh- thanks for the reminder about what party line you vote under counting. I am a strong Working Family Party supporter and will def remember to “pull the lever” (sigh…) under that rather than just the Dem line to show support for the great work
    they have done and continue to do for the people of NY!
    PS.No mater who you support lets turn out!

  • Topham Beauclerk

    @Quinn Raymond

    How touching that you should imagine that the United States is a democracy. What defines a democracy is not the formal mechanism of voting, however important that might be, but the degree to which the wishes of the majority is reflected in public policy. By the definition, the United States is a plutocracy.

  • Prom Gal

    @SJK Have you reported the St Ann’s Holy Trinity polling place incident to the Bd of Elections and the police? If you actually witnessed it, you should do that.

    @David on Middagh @Neighbor Hood
    I guess most of us didn’t realize the Communist Party USA was back under the guise of the “Working Families” Party. And they’re supporting Velazques, the “tool of Wall Street”? Interesting!

  • Prom Gal

    @Topham Beauclerk
    Check your copy of the US Constitution. America us a representational REPUBLIC.

  • David on Middagh

    Neighbor Hood – Oops, no party line voting this time. My mistake. Maybe we’ll have to wait for the general election.

    Prom Gal – So WF is a Communist organization touting a candidate funded by ubercapitalists. Gotcha.

  • Quinn Raymond

    I guess political opinions on a neighborhood blog are only acceptable when they’re Prom Gal’s?

  • Neighbor Hood

    Communist Party USA? Wait what year is this?
    Did I…Oh man I knew this would happen if I put instant coffee in a microwave!
    Why is everything in black & white?
    Why are my ties so skinny.
    Why is my brother straight now?
    Oh well, on the bright side…I can still stop my mother from marrying my father… which should make everyone happy, all around.
    Thanks Prom Gal!
    PS. save me a dance at the hop will ya doll?

  • Topham Beauclerk

    @Prom Gal

    Indeed we are a republic which simply means that we’re not a monarchy. How does that falsify the view that the United States is a plutocratic oligarchy?

  • Tony

    Note how Prom Gal uses Democrat as an adjective (e.g., “Democrat machine politicians”). This has been Republican propaganda for some time now – to never use the grammatical “Democratic” because “Democrat” rhymes with rat and supposedly sounds sinister as an adjective. I can understand why Republican politicians and Fox News toadies go along with this, but what’s your excuse, Prom Gal?