Open Thread Wednesday 6/1/11

BHB Photo Club pic by aloucha via Flickr

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • AmyinBH

    Cody, Last Thursday night we were on a 4 train suffering long delays. When we finally got to borough hall there were the signs for the movie, water in the streets and crew everywhere. Tues. the “smoke conditions” – no 4/5 trains going to Brooklyn. The signs and crew were back. Last night. “police investigation at 77th” and massive delays on the 4/5/6. Signs and crew all over BH again. Now, I am not usually a conspiracy theory kind of girl, but it all seems a little suspicious to me. ;)

  • Jeffrey j Smith

    I attended the meeting of the Manhattan Community Board #1 on
    Hilicopter traffic yesterday with a friend.

    I got a good seat and the subject of helicopter traffic quickly came up. Several people spoke. A spokesman and spokeswomen from
    a city agency were giving the typicl presentation that 1) the
    city govt is doing as well as could be expected 2) Don’t ask us for too many stats or real specifics on what we are doing and 3) We’re
    so limited by rules and sparse funding that you should be glad you’re getting the action you are now.

    There was the typical well, mush, about how unconfortable everyone was with the noise and the flocks of tourists which have now been pushed down from 30th St by court decision.

    But THEN one councilmemeber brought up about the toxicx the big turbines expel when on the ground. A VERY valid health point. And THEN he began to probe the “safety issues” of the TWO HUNDRED PLUS take-offs and landings in the month of May….

    The few “representatives of the Brooklyn community were, with the exception of Judy Stanton, Lilliputians.

    to be continued…

  • Linda

    I just read that a young woman fainted and fell onto the subway tracks last night and did not survive. It happened at around 77th St.

  • Jeffrey j Smith

    I was recognized. I brought with me the results of a SIXTY SECOND Google search of the words “helicopter crash”.
    Guess what and how much material POURED out of my printer.
    INCLUDING numerous web sites for law firms looking for clients resulting from helicopter crashes….See, lawyers KNOW the truth…how dangerous helicopters are when operated by the typical air taxi/tourist flight organizations with their use of conterfeit parts, lax safety with pilots and chinese bus level maintenance.

    I simply (and loudly) asked what everyone thought a chopper coming down in lower Manhattan or Downtown Brooklyn would
    be like…The Impact, The fuel explosion, what they thought the
    toll from shrapnel alone would be…how about the huge projectiles
    the blades can ininstantly become.

    Lots of dopes in the Heights think this kind of thinking is silly…
    but several members of community board #1 harbored no such illusions…I was profoundly thanked for my comments as I exited the meeting.

    I asked one ofthereporters present why was it that, with all the lawyers associated with downtown organizations, not one has
    sought the ‘new invention’ of a judicial intervention. He just rolled his eyes knowingly.

    Then I has to share an icy elevator ride down to the street with
    one of the main factions of the Brooklyn ‘civic organizations’
    present who were clearly (just barely) resisting the urge to
    strangle me….

    Except that, being Lilliputians, they could only reach in
    the area of my Ankles….

  • weegee

    Monday afternoon: fire on the tracks in the Joralemon tubes.
    Yesterday: DOA on the tracks at 77th St.

    Unrelated, non-conspiratorial incidents.

  • AmyinBH

    Linda, I read about that woman too this afternoon. Very sad and very scary how quickly it happened before anyone could help her.
    I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I was joking about the MIB3 conspiracy.

  • JohnSean

    The economic argument that the helicopters bring in $50m of tourist revenue into the City each year is a very one sided one. The argument has to be countered with the revenue non-helicopter tourists bring in from visiting BH, and the park and how much revenue could be lost from the helicopters. To this number needs to be added the negative effects of the noise that is imposed on tourists and residents. These negative spill-over effects need to be quantified in the monetary terms. I’m guessing that this combined number could be >$50m
    $50m in tourist revenue is a small number in the scheme of things – Brooklyn politicians need to wake up and become more demonstrative on this issue.

  • Jeffrey j Smith

    I thank everyone who responded to the 86 year old who needed
    proper post hospital care. The family found out about two exec
    facilities. I didnt seperate the blog origin responses but I’m sure the blog was a good factor. Again Thank you all.

  • Jeffrey j Smith



    NOTE! If you have any problems locating the Demo on the Brooklyn side go immediately to City hall where the Demonstration will start there at 11:30

    King Michael will be watching the size and level of energy of this key, critical demonstation….

    If you like the lives of yourself and your family and the safety
    of this city its your RESPONSIBILITY to SHOW UP!!!!!

    I met someone on Henry St who said that his house is fireproof and he has no family in NYC. I “mentioned” that fires in commercial structures and work areas are just the moments
    managements make the decision for a “reduction in force”.

    Yeah, a fire is always a bad moment in your life

    If you cant make the 11 AM form up, take some lunch time
    to meet us at 11:30 to like 12:30 at City Hall. Even somewhat
    late arrivals swelling the number of attendees are important.
    Even if you can only spend a half hour with us it will make a
    REAL difference.

  • Kate Hayes

    Grace, I am an independent residential interior designer based out of Carroll Gardens. Give me a call at 303.818.4723 or email me at (don’t bother with my website, it’s getting a makeover) if you’d like to discuss! Thanks.

  • Willow Man

    Sonny – Pytlak saw my kids, was fine, out of ofc at LICH. Also Dr. Jana Dehovitz at 15 Pierrepont St. is beloved by parents I have spoken with, and she lives right around the corner from her office…know her informally from the “street” as well.

  • Ben T.

    What are they filming on Monroe Pl.?

  • bklyn20

    The PS 8 Paddlewheeler is all day (nearly) tomorrow, Saturday 6/4/11. Please come and suppport your neighborhood school. Fun will be had by all.

  • PJL

    Dr. O’Connor seems great so far (our boy is 2 weeks old).

    Can anyone recommend any breastfeeding classes/groups in the Heights?


  • Andrew Porter

    Today I removed about 40 or 50 (two per light pole) of those “Moving $19″ signs from streets in the north Heights, Pierrepont to Middagh.

    Wish I could catch the perpetrators in the act…

  • Arch Stanton

    @ Andrew Porter Why don’t you just call them, lure them to a desolate location where you can sandbag them.