His Name is Otis – Brooklyn Heights Girl Reunited with Toy Penguin Thanks to an Alert Pooch, Good Neighbors and BHB

(l-r) Eric, Otis, Luna, Roger and Fancy

The saga of the missing one armed “something” came to a happy conclusion this afternoon on Montague Street.

Fancy, a seeing eye dog, recovered little Luna Miller’s one armed stuffed penguin yesterday. BHB reader Eric Spector posted on BHB that his partner Roger’s pooch had recovered the toy. Luna’s mom, Min, contacted us this morning and we connected all involved via e-mail. This afternoon Otis the Penguin and his best friend Luna were reunited.

Eric writes to BHB, “I do so love happy endings and thanks to the blog!”

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  • Buggs Bunny


  • http://inklake.typepad.com Peter

    This story makes my day!

  • Gawker

    This is likely how Otis feels to be reunited with his family:

  • mobklyn

    It so happens I met Fancy and her owner yesterday. She is a real beauty and so sweet, and clearly takes good care of her owner. Who knew I was meeting a hero!