74 Hicks Street on the Block

Got a spare $6.5 million? Of course you do. So why not plunk it down and move into 74 Hicks Street (Elliman Listing). Curbed reports that the property has “single unit potential”. What do you think?

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  • nabeguy

    I think I sold short. 6.5? Mazel tov.

  • Publius

    Insane in the membrane.

  • HeightsGuy

    The photos on Elliman’s website are beautiful, especially when viewed in full-screen mode.

  • AEB

    I’ve always got 6.5 million to spare for “state of the art mechanicals.”

    My present mechanicals are SO 2010….

  • Alana

    Houses like this reiterate my pride in living in Brooklyn Heights. People swear I am wealthy having Brownstones at this price bracket just right around the corner. .

  • http://www.BrooklynPeriodontics.com Beautiful Smile

    @Publius: I agree that its insane. More reason for thieves to venture out to BH knowing there are millionaires here.

  • Mickey

    That’s why we have insurance!

  • George Earl

    Hey — Does the furniture come wit’ it?

  • travy

    alana- i don’t think wealth of this kind is something to be proud of.

  • BrandonH

    travy…..sorry, I don’t mean to be argumentative, but you imply that a person who has obtained wealth should not be proud. I don’t see it that way at all. It all depends upon how the person obtained the wealth. Was it through hard and smart work? Was it through inheritance? Was it by some other means?

    A person who truly earns his wealth is not only entitled to it, but should be proud of the accomplishment. When earned, wealth can only be generated by offering one’s products or services to willing buyers, who obviously benefit in the trade. Those who truly earn their wealth have much to be proud about. This applies to a businessman, an artist, an actor, or any other profession that one may succeed in.

  • carol

    What’s with the 6′-9″ bedroom on the garden level? I believe the legal minimum width of a bedroom is 8 feet unless it’s the thrid bedroom. And then there’s the windowless living room on the same floor. Oops.

  • HeightsGuy

    Carol…..I’ve never heard of such a legal minimum width, but even if there is one, it would not apply to an old home that was built in the 19th century. Such a thing would be grandfathered and obviously this house was renovated, which means the plans had to have been approved by the Dept of Buildings. Not sure what you mean windowless living room. It looks like there’s a large window in the room labeled “living/dining.” The middle room looks like it could be a family room or something like that, but hard to tell from the label on the floor plan.

  • carol

    NYC Building Code (1968)
    27-751 Habitable rooms shall have a minimum clear width of eight feet, a minimum clear area of 80 square feet and a minimu ceiling height of eight feet.
    27-746 All habitable rooms shal be provided with natural ventilation complying with the provisions of this subchapter
    27-732 Every habitable room shall be provided with natural light complying with the provisions of this subchapter

    The middle room labeled living room probably was one large room with two front windows and was made into two rooms – one which has not windows or natural ventilation.

  • bornhere

    Aren’t “floor-through” arrangements with a central “dark room” pretty standard, at least in brownstone-like life? Is there a definition of “habitable”? Plus, the middle rooms of the Hicks Street lovely seem to connect pretty seamlessly to windowed areas.

    I’m also guessing that a 1968 code does not apply to so many earlier structures and things like the “much-beloved” windowless galley kitchens….

  • carol

    Bornhere: A lot of central dark rooms in brownstones came about when an addition was added and deprived the rear room of its light. If the central room is open (more than a doorway)to an adjacent room and within 30′ of a window, it’s ok. When it is separate room, it’s not legal. It could be called a home office but to be legal it would need mechanical ventilation (fresh air from the outside).
    Habitable rooms are sleeping rooms(bedrooms) or living rooms (living rooms, dining rooms, studys, dens, etc) Kitchens and bathrooms are not habitable rooms and don’t need windows.
    I used the 1968 code assuming that this renovation was done under that code.
    In terms of the requirement for windows and ventilation, those codes pre-date the 1968 code and came into effect in the late 19th century-early 20th century as part of a housing reform movement.
    Do ‘illegal’ rooms exist in NYC? Of course they do but for $6.5 million, one would expect a higher standard.

  • north heights res

    BrandonH: Does what you say apply to all those people who made millions securing mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them and who subsequently went bankrupt or lost their homes? The people who put millions of other people out of work while they collected bonuses for their “products and services”? Should they be proud?

  • AEB

    We are inherently disposed to be at least somewhat envious of those who have accrued more dough than we have, and therefore to disparage acts of grand consumption by them.

    Of course, some ways of becoming rich are more socially thoughtful than others. But those who have made money legally should be free to spend it as they choose.

  • travy

    my point is that spending this much money on where you will simply live is obscene. that doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person but i wouldn’t brag about it or find pride in living next door to one of these people.

  • EHinBH

    Great place, but a little out of line with some others that are closer to 5. I think 5.25 max. Also, living across from that chain link pen that holds the screaming pre-schoolers every day is a bit of a drag.

  • BrandonH

    This place just hit Brownstoner.com and has caused quite a stir over there!