Mr. J’s Mea Culpa; or, BHB as Socratic Dialogue

Karl confesses to a minor error in location in his previous video, and thanks BHB reader Andrew Porter for correcting him. This motivates a reflection on how blog dialogue leads us to Truth; and concludes with a lighthearted observation on kids who do the darndest things in movies. Video after the jump.

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  • Andrew Porter

    Actually, I used to publish a monthly news magazine, “Science Fiction Chronicle”, from 1979 to 2000, when I sold it. Previously, I published a weekly newsletter, “S.F. Weekly”, from 1966 to 1968, ceasing publication just months before I moved to BH. So the news biz, and trying to Get Things Right, has been a preoccupation of mine for way too long.

    But you’re still just a kid, Karl, and we all learn from our mistakes…