A “Sure Sign of Spring”: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Returns

Martin Schneider sends us this photo, and this commentary:

A sure sign of Spring! Our Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is back at work on our holly tree. She methodically drills an array of small shallow holes and eats the sap and then the insects which they will attract. According to Sibley, they are “uncommon” so we are lucky to have this added asset to the neighborhood. A wary bird, it is difficult to get a good picture of them at work.

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  • Andrew Porter

    There are numerous Snow Drops blooming on the Promenade between Pierrepont and Clark Streets; there are also some starting to come up on the east side of Hicks, just north of Montague Street.

  • Buddy Holly

    Crocus are starting to break ground on the sunny areas of State Street.

  • Demonter

    My crocuses and daffodils have emerged…color by March 15th.

  • alvordism

    I saw a robin poking around for worms on Sidney Place this morning. Good sign.