84th Precinct Police Blotter – 1/11/11

bugleblotter-300x1711 I’m back, and thrilled as ever! Also, a lot of stuff went down around Willoughby St. New year, same story. It’s the this week’s police blotter.

Hello, sports fans! Great to be back in the driver’s seat on the BHB. Today was my first day at the 84 in several weeks, so I had visions of cops and skells alike embracing me as I sashayed through the front door. Oh, how they missed me, I thought. It would be almost like Madonna in that Material World video.

What actually happened was pretty close! The man at the front desk left as soon as he saw me. Then I heard one of the custodians on her cell: “You sent my brother to jail for two years and you still at it??? I hate you, Linda, I hate you so much, I’m gonna destroy you.” Great to be back!

This week’s blotter focuses on several incidents that went down at the Willoughby and Jay St. station. The rundown is as follows:

At 1:02 p.m. Wednesday, a man’s iPod was stolen from the C train.

At 10:50 a.m. Friday, a makeup bag was stolen from the A train.

At 1:25 a.m. Saturday, a man suffered a broken nose after he was punched in the face by the F train. His cell was taken for good measure.

Nearby at Bond and Fulton at 4 a.m. last Thursday, a woman was robbed on her way to the Hoyt/Schermerhorn station.

An iPhone was stolen at the Borough Hall station last Friday at 10 a.m.

Not to be outdone, Vinegar Hill was the site of two incidents last week. The first occurred at 2:50 a.m. Thursday, when a 23-year-old man walking to his car at York and Jay Sts. was punched and threatened by a thug who said, “If you scream, I’ll kill you,” and took $110.

The second was 1 p.m. Sunday on Plymouth St., when a thug couple stole a German tourist’s pocketbook. And that’s this week’s blotter, Mein Gott. Until next week …

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  • tray

    “a man suffered a broken nose after he was punched in the face by the F train”

    wow, the f train seems so docile too. the a train or the 4, sure, but the f? must be the economy

  • nabeguy

    Welcome back Heather! tray, the A train is the one that lost it’s make-up bag, so it’s even uglier than usual.

  • T.K. Small

    One of the things that makes Brooklyn Heights a uniquely fantastic place is that we have a crime reporter that knows how to sashay. Well done, indeed!

  • Heather Quinlan

    Glad to be back, m’dears! And for what it’s worth, I never trust the lettered trains.

  • Demonter

    New York, New York —
    A hell of a town,
    The Bronx is up and the Battery’s down.
    The People ride in a hole in the ground.
    New York, New York —
    It’s a hell of a town.

    from “On The Town” 1944
    Lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green Music by Leonard Bernstein

  • Andrew Porter

    Adolf Green: After WW2, not too many kids named Adolf any more. Now that’s a crime in itself.

  • nabeguy

    Andrew, is there any recorded record of a drop-off in the name Benito as well?

  • http://inklake.typepad.com Peter

    About a dozen years ago, I was shopping at Fairway on the Upper West Side, and I saw Adolf Green and Betty Comden, walking together down Broadway.

    I can honestly say, it was highlight of my New York existence (and is there any other kind?)

    I wrote about it back in my blog.


  • Bernie

    Heather, living in the heights my entire life, I would much rather ride the R train than to spend 30 seconds waiting at High St. for the A/C train. I’ve been involved in several incidents on those trains, but I’ve always felt safe on the R.
    That being said, Tray, the Jay St. station (or whatever it’s called now) is never really a place I feel comfortable. Yes, the F train runs through there, and there are supposedly cops walking through all the time, but I always hear about something happening down there, whether it’s a friend getting mugged or beat up, or a random iPhone theft. Sure, I take my chances, but let’s not blame it on the economy.