Squibb Park and Bridge Plan Announced


Our pals at Brownstoner checked out the huge packet of info sent out last night by CB2 and report back on the reno of Squibb Park and the planned bridge connecting it to Brooklyn Bridge Park:

Brownstoner: At last month’s Community Board 2 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corp. head Regina Myer and Matthew Urbanski of Michael Van Valkenburg Associates, the landscape architect for the park, gave an update on the renovation of Squibb Park and the planned construction of the bridge over Furman Street that would connect Squibb Park to Brooklyn Bridge Park. Urbanski noted that the first phase—park house/comfort station, skate elements, improved landscaping, new fencing and new pavement—of the Squibb Park renovation is already underway. Urbanski also noted that the bridge will be an open truss structure; steel members will be formed into a truss, with steel mesh between steel guardrails and a concrete pathway. The span of the bridge is expected to be roughly 230 feet. The bridge is forecast to cost between $4 and $5 million but, as part of Phase 2 of the Squibb renovation, is not yet funded. The park, including its skateboarding features, is expected to be usable this summer, though.

Review all related docs after the jump.Zip file containing all CB2 docs from May 2 meeting.

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  • http://loureads.com Lou

    One of those drawing shows some kind of bridge crossing Furman and going down to the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Seems like a good idea. However the other things in the drawing of the actual park are table tennis and a skate park. Interesting… I foresee people complaining about that. But then again nothing is finalized yet, right?

  • nabeguy

    What is it with Van Valkenberg’s fascination with staircases to nowhere? I kind of get it as an element on Pier One, but in the context of this area, it looks like rarified gymnasium seating, especially given that it backs up to wall. And it’s a shame that they couldn’t figure out a way to adapt the existing fountain plumbing in any way at all. A water element in the gateway to the park would have made a bold statement that connected it to the riverfront and the rest of BPP.

  • David on Middagh

    @nabeguy: Maybe the staircase *is* the skateboarding feature?

  • C.

    This is awesome. I love that the bridge is going ahead. I thought it was scrapped and was really bummed out about it. I would imagine it can’t be done until the Pier 1 uplands are completed though, and they are still unfunded.