TONY Recommends Brooklyn Heights HoMu

Time Out NY photo

Time Out NY photo

Time Out New York writes up Brooklyn Heights’ own Homeless Museum ( in this week’s edition:

TONY: Seven years ago, conceptual artist Filip Noterdaeme and cabaret performer Daniel Isengart began making works for a project they called the Homeless Museum, located in their two-bedroom Brooklyn Heights apartment in the attic of a brownstone. The couple opened HoMu to invited guests in 2005, partly as a way of exploring the idea of actually living with art, and partly to thumb their noses at the pretensions of the art world.

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  • Raanan Geberer

    Re the homeless museum:

    I find it appalling that in this day and age, when actual homelessness is spreading everywhere, that some “trendy” artists can use the “motif” of homelessness just to make some sort of a personal statement that has nothing to do with the homeless.

  • The Where

    I would find it far more appalling if actual hobos were on display.

  • bornhere

    I actually checked their website. And they’re railing against “…the pretensions of the art world”?

  • Bart

    I’ve been to the HoMu here is my two cents:

    It’s a marginally interesting idea theoretically – that a museum can actually be homeless.

    When I first saw the Homu, I thought “what a quirky hobby he has. He sure seems to keep himself entertained by it.” When I saw it a second time I thought “He is really serious about turning his whole apartment into a ‘museum’.”

    But to be as polite as possible, the “museum” is not worth climbing four flights of stairs to see. Perhaps if it were on the ground floor of the building and during a Saturday afternoon stroll down Clinton you could give is a solid passing glance, that would be all you need. Better yet, just go to the website.
