The Homeless Museum


Nabe resident Filip Noterdaeme, is a Beligian born artist and curator of HoMu (The Homeless Museum) which is located in his Clinton Street apartment.  He describes his museum to the NY Sun today as “a fictitious museum with many quirky elements, but, in the end, it is about a serious issue: The degradation of art through commerce.”

Noterdaeme has gone so far as suggesting that the Guggenheim Museum paint its facade “homeless orange”.

Visitors are welcomed by appointment only.

NY Sun: The Museum About Museums: Initially a Web-only conceptual piece, Mr. Noterdaeme inaugurated HoMu in 2003 — 10 years after being expelled from Hunter College for, as he says, “undermining the authority of the conservative faculty” — with an exhibition in Chelsea of the $0.00 Collection. Needing a permanent home for his project, in 2005 Mr. Noterdaeme clandestinely installed Ho-Mu in his two-bedroom Brooklyn Heights brownstone apartment. The Center For Education is the fireplace (“because education is the first thing to go up in smoke”) and the Curatorial Department is the bathroom (“an intimate space for serious business”). A dirty leak in the ceiling became an anonymous “gift” to the museum, now known as “Liquid Gold.”

The Homeless Museum

photo: The Homeless Museum

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