The Sublet Experiment Hits Heights


BHB was in the house (literally) at the second nabe perfomance of The Sublet Experiment. The play, written by Ethan Youngerman, is running through the end of the month inside someone's apartment in Brooklyn Heights.

The piece itself, while a little long, is quite entertaining. The entire cast is solid, but the breakout performance here is by the very likeable Christian Maurice (pictured) as "A Man" who a much needed energy injection midway through the show.

The true triumph of Experiment is not in the play itself, but in the medium it champions. Others have compared this staging concept to be the "Youtube of theater" and they're right.  In the intimate setting of someone's apartment with an audience of 20 or less, live theater becomes a completely different and new experience. The legacy of the show is not in its writing, but in the fact that we can't wait for the next play coming to a living room near us.

Tickets are still available for the show's remaining performances in Brooklyn Heights. We highly recommend going, it's a cool night out.

Have you seen the show? 

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  • Geyser Peaker

    Homer Fink wisely describes this somewhat cerebral experimental piece of theater above, so my wit is not needed to punctuate his prose with musings of my own.

    I will simply ask, well, I think one must wonder, WHOSE APARTMENT is this really? Why would one want to invite THE PUBLIC in, to be used, judged, trampled on? Who would want the public using their personal bathroom, viewing their art, books, and wondering about just how cheap their furniture is? As Jerry Seinfeld might wonder, “Who Are These People?”

  • Homer Fink

    Actually, I have researched this and know who’s apt it is. We’ll do a follow up once the “secret location” of the show can be revealed. I can say now that it appears that the place belongs to one of the owners of the building.