Montague “Piazza” Days Scheduled for September

According to The Brooklyn Paper, this year’s “piazza” days on Montague Street, when it is closed to automobiles and made a pedestrian concourse with tables and chairs for relaxing or al fresco dining, will be in September instead of July. They will be on three Sundays: September 13 (which coincides with the Brooklyn Book Festival being held nearby), 20, and 27. According to Montague Street BID’s Chelsea Mauldin, the decision to shift from July to September was prompted in part by inclement (either rainy or too hot) weather during last year’s events. She also said the BID will “develop programming” to entertain passers-by and, it is hoped, draw them into stores.

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  • Andrew Porter

    If they shift it to December, we could have cross-country skiing exhibits, igloo-building, and other stuff. And it’ll be just as empty, just not as obviously empty as it was last year.

  • RatNYC

    The Piazza licks.

  • sue

    Why not have the next one on the day before
    Easter Sunday….what planet do you live on chelse
    This is erev the most holy day for jews

  • http://r sue

    The timing of these last 2 events on and|about the jewish high holidays is offensive

  • nabeguy

    As the article points out, the events were rescheduled from their original July dates due to inclement weather. In other words, as a result of the acts of a presumably non-denominational G-d. So, sue me.

  • Claude Scales

    One might also note that they were encouraging people to nosh in the daytime during Ramadan.

  • anon

    Good Morning Nabe Guy..
    So the events were reschedueled .. were these the only 3 days available… Lets not call it an act of G-d. Lets call it an act of