Brooklyn Heights Open Thread Wednesday 12/11/13

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

While you’re at it, who do you think should make the BHB Ten this year?

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  • Claude Scales

    For the BHB ten: David Fuller and Judith Jarosz, Montague Street residents who have established Theater 2020 as the Heights’ first professional stage company.

  • Lois

    What’s happening at the corner of Clark and Hicks – in the space formerly occupied by Kevin’s Korner and so many other failed restaurants?

  • BrooklynCoffeeLover

    Why are the firemen allowed to park their cars on the sidewalk on the corner of Henry and middagh? I assume they do this because there is no room left on the street, but doesn’t seem safe to park on the sidewalk where people have to then walk into the street to get around them.

  • DIBS

    All public servants are immensely self-entitled.

  • Arch Stanton

    Yes, but in the case of Firefighters, who risk their lives for us, it seems like a well deserved little perk.
    It’s the whole “Court Officer” parking permit thing, I have a hard time with…

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    Tell me about it! I see the same car with a Brooklyn DA sticker parked on the non-parking side of Clark near Columbia Heights every night. Why should that be allowed? I frequently see the owner getting out of it in her gym clothes too, so it’s not as if she’s coming and going to emergency hearings at court.

  • jim

    This bothers me as well, putting pedestrians in danger is counter to their life saving roles – and it does put people at risk – I see kids going to and from PS 8 in the street trying to get around the cars – it is just plain selfish and dangerous….I don’t drive to work as I can’t park, why is there this double standard?

  • Lor

    Is it legal for that person to rummage through our recyclables every morning?

  • marshasrimler

    Our current station with LICH and BPL make me think our non-profits need to stop acting like private corporations. I think our new city council and public advocate need to look into this. Why do public institutions like hospitals and libraries that receive the bulk of their monies from public sources have the same protections as private corporations, The bureaucrats that run them and the folks that sit on the boards are accountable to the public. Their meetings and deliberations would do a lot better in the sunlight.

  • Monty

    It’s a sales office for the PIerhouse building going up in the northern section of BBP.

  • ColumbiaHeightster

    Yes. Once placed in the trash (or recycling) it becomes public and up for grabs.

  • MonroeOrange

    not entirely, i would say, its only legal if your trash is placed on the curb, not behind your gate. But this is NYC Lor, and its a way of life for many, so i say, as long as they don’t leave a mess behind, let the rummaging begin!

  • MonroeOrange

    DIBs, way to support our Fire Fighters, you are a real piece of work.

  • Lois

    Ah, so then it’s a fairly temporary arrangement.

  • Lois

    You are right. The courtyard of a building is private – for tenants only. It’s a sad state of affairs when you see that those areas have to be under lock and key.

  • Arch Stanton

    No it is illegal.

  • Arch Stanton

    No It is illegal, Once it is placed curbside it becomes property of the City.

  • Arch Stanton

    Well DAs do some investigative work. So maybe she was investigating all the missing wallets from Planet Fitness?

  • Pineapple Walk

    Are you seriously criticizing our firefighters?! The Engine 205 guys are the best. They’re frequently seen happily taking photos with tourists or entertaining the neighborhood kids. They’re absolute sweethearts, and real heroes. They risk their lives for about a third of the salary that most of the people they serve make. Entitled? Really? Let them park wherever they want.

  • Remsen Street Dweller

    Hey Brooklyn — Tell them how you feel!

  • BrooklynCoffeeLover

    I agree they are great people. All firemen are. They do a job that I could never do, but since when does that entitle them do break the law? It’s like when I see cops double parking. Shouldn’t they be trying to set higher standards for everyone else.

    I know it’s not a big deal, but it is sort of a safety issue, which they should be trying to enforce. I guess Pineapple Walk doesn’t walk down that street much in the dark, or else you would see walking in the street where cars barely see you is not too fun.

  • BrooklynCoffeeLover

    Property of the city…meaning it is illegal. There is a documentary about this somewhere out there I saw one.

  • PubliusBklyn
  • ellymay878

    Firefighters should be entitled to parking on Henry and M iddagh…where should they park? Should they look for parking and be late to a fire? Some comments are unbelievable.

  • marshasrimler

    Carolyn Macintyre and Michael White of Citzens defending libraries

  • DIBS

    Trolled. Moron.

  • MonroeOrange

    DIBS…judging by the other comments against your ridiculous original comment…i would say there is only one Moron in this thread and it ain’t me….

  • DIBS

    Condsider yourself trolled among the best of them then!!!

  • DIBS

    The Supreme Court did weigh in on the status of trash in 1988 but from a privacy rather than property standpoint. In that case, the court ruled that the police can search trash bags without a warrant because it’s “common knowledge” that garbage is “readily accessible to animals, children, scavengers, snoops, and other members of the public.” And, therefore, there’s no “reasonable expectation of privacy” when it comes to discarded items.

  • DIBS

    Most of them are respectful and don’t leave a mess. If your neighborhood has some misbehaving trash pickers it jeu reflects poorly on your neighborhood!!! :)