Sidewalk Breached at 75 PinappHole

McBrooklyn reports today that:

IMG_4417_75_pineapple_sidewalk.jpgAccording to a building resident, trucks parking on the sidewalk in front of 75 Pineapple Street in Brooklyn Heights (near Henry Street) caused the sidewalk to collapse. (Photo: McBrooklyn)


Renovations (and we use the term loosely right now) are going on at 71 and 75 Pineapple and residents of those buildings now need to cross over a Rube Goldbergian collection of ramps to gain access.

Add that to the endless series of constipated notions being proposed for the empty lot at 73 Pineapple and it makes you wonder just what sort of nightmare is in the works for those 3 parcels.

With a little help from our pal "Google" we've uncovered this rendering of 73 Pineapple from Rush Brook Partners, owner/developers of the Pineapple properties:


We still like this one better. 

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  • pam

    There are several of these old rent-control dives in play now. For example 114 Henry Street and 100 Clark Street. What’s happening to those places? Adjacent owners should double check their fire insurance policies.
    All of these buildings have rent-regulated tenants and the owners probably want to make life as hard as possible for the tenants (without actual harrasment). But it would take a nuclear holocaust to get Brooklyn Heights rent controlled tenants to move.

  • bongo

    yay! Another low ceiling, red-brick, PoS generic building.

  • Andrew Porter

    The hole in the sidewalk in front of 75 Pineapple was caused by decades of failure to maintain the sidewalk — not by trucks parking there. The place was owned by a woman who treated her properties as if they were in the midst of the slummiest neighborhood possible, and not the Heights. Hence the vacant lot, the only one in the Heights (where, I think, a vaudeville house might have stood in the 1920s). Full of rubble, all fenced off from the street by a high black wooden fence.

    BTW, most of the apts in those buildings are vacant, and not rent controlled. In the case of 100 Clark Street aka 1 Monroe Place, this was another building which has had very little maintenance over the decades. The facade bowed out and finally collapsed due to that very lack of maintenance. The owners of a building, not those with apts in them, are responsible for their deplorable conditions, esp. when they take out rental fees and never put anything back into the buildings. In this neighborhood, with apts going for thousands of dollars a month, lack of building maintenance is not the fault of a few rent controlled apartments.

  • ben k

    i live in 71 Pineapple and get more news from this blog than our new owners. I am contemplating getting fire insurance as well :-(
    id appreciate if any news on these buildings could be shared with me. and yes, it would take a nuclear holocaust….
