New residents in the neighborhood

Brooklyn Heights is full of what the Brits call “des res”: highly desirable residences that are in great demand.

But the hottest new spots in the neighborhood aren’t classic prewar buildings, or fancy new construction. No–our newest neighbors have eschewed the conventional and headed for the trees.

Per the Daily Eagle‘s wonderful Mary Frost, more than a dozen fairy doors have been sighted in the North Heights.


Neighbors are speculating that the area’s shady lanes and dappled nooks somehow lend themselves to the tree sprites. Many say they feel their presence adds something indefinable to the area.

According to experts, fair doors are actually portals to the fairy dimension. While often the doors are built by the fairies themselves, the wee folks are known to use doors constructed by friendly humans as well.

Never one to publish speculation without a reliable source, Frost sought confirmation of the fairies’ arrival from Eze, age five:

“I’ve seen them everywhere–once saw one in a tree in the neighborhood close to Joe’s Coffee…it was really tiny and green,” he said, scrunching his fingers very closely together to demonstrate how teeny the fairy was.”

Local luminaries such as Councilman Lincoln Restler and Brooklyn Heights Association president Lara Birnback are on record as welcoming the fairies to the neighborhood.

You can read the full story at the Eagle–click to support vital local journalism!

Photo courtesy of Mary Frost and used with permission.

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