Open Thread Wednesday

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  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    You're mostly right. It's more likely laziness. It's a lot harder to plan "mixed use." But I stand by my vitriol as to NYC putting private interests ahead of the public interest. Yes, NYC (with NYCHA) wasn't world class when it came to "doing housing," but schools, parks, libraries and a couple of others should not be "put out for bids."

  • 11201111

    I know this was a point of discussion on this board a while ago, but I wanted to warn my neighbors about the tailor / cleaners across from Gristede’s on Henry Street. The actual tailoring was unremarkable, but the first time I went to pick up, my (brand new) clothes were balled up in a dusty Fresh Direct bag. Not thrilled. Obviously my clothes were quite wrinkled, so I paid again to have them pressed – and when we went to pick up the second time, he couldn’t find my clothes! He hunted around for 20 minutes before I found them myself, but tbh I probably could have walked off with anything in the store. He also wanted to charge double ALTS’ price to tailor a dress (ALTS is the new place on Montague Street, hoping that is a good addition to the community!) A weirdly negative experience for a small business that has been around for a while, but if memory serves, I’m not the only one. There are a lot of great small cleaners / tailors in the neighborhood, would recommend giving someone else your business instead!

  • MaggieO

    Full demo permits are in process – here's a description of what's coming down:
    "Buildings with addresses of 158 & 182 Remsen St, and 173 & 185 Joralemon Street to be fully demolished. Landmark Building 180 Remsen St to remain. All four addressed structures to be demolished using hand-held and mech means will assist from exterior"

  • Andrew Porter

    Not even a screen name, just a number? I realize you want to remain anonymous, but that's taking it to an extreme.

    My own dealings with the place have been much better, I'm happy to say.

  • Sweeties

    Looks like a ZIP code to me. Probably more identifying than a screen name.

  • 11201111

    Zip code + house number. Well spotted, friend!

  • Andrew Porter
  • Clark Street

    Had the same issue. He charged me for alterations. I didn’t try the items on before leaving … got home and discovered that he had literally done NOTHING (eg, asked him to remove pockets … pockets still there. Asked him to hem pants … still way too long). Wouldn’t refund me. He’s a crook. Buyer beware.

  • Effective Presenter

    Back in the day I had been a younger guy in a different world men wore suits, shirts, ties to work, the cleaners next to what had been Albert Chicarelli Hair Salon on Henry Street had been good for me.

  • Downtown Dad

    Miracle of miracles — the scaffolding at the SW corner of Monroe Place & Clark Street is nearly all gone! Does anyone have a sense for when the Cadman Plaza Apartments scaffolding will come down?

  • Peter Scott-Thomas

    I predict – with some knowledge – that all or most of it will be gone by Labor Day. As for 1 or 2 Monroe (the building you mention), they DID take down part of the scaffolding last year and then put it back up. IT (scaff.) had been tagged for some violation. Yes, lots of work has been done in the last year, but I wonder when ('26 ?) those apts. will be sold.

    To THINK that this building somehow got by "Landmarks." I know "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and I think they mostly focus on "context," but it is hideous. The rule must be that if you're "replacing" an ugly building, that's what you must wind up with.

  • Andrew Porter

    The building was much changed over the years. Originally had a garden which was infilled with more housing. As built, looks much like what was first proposed:

  • Andrew Porter
  • AEB

    I had a similarly negative experience with the owner, which I wrote about here. Clothes meant to be altered by a certain date weren't— the owner maintained that the "do date" was in fact a week hence. (The owner's limited English didn't help matters). I now suspect dementia as the root problem.