Getting The “Boot” In Brooklyn Heights

Has parking enforcement become more aggressive lately in Brooklyn Heights, or is the NYPD being “selectively” aggressive? We received this complaint from a long-time reader concerning the “no standing” zone on Henry and Cranberry:

We parked our car there for a brief period of time around 6:30am on Wednesday to prep as we had to get our son to the hospital by 7:15am. When we came out at 6:47 there was a ticket and a notice on the window. In my haste and worry for being late, I tried to drive and the boot punctured the tire. We had to pay a ticket, pay $375 to the tow pound, my partner had to go to the post office to get a $35 money order to pay for the boot that we ruined and we had to pay $400 to have our tire replaced. And, needless to say my partner spent the morning attending to this and wasn’t there for the surgery.

Yikes! Fifteen minutes from violation, to ticket, to boot! That’s a pretty quick turnaround time! While the reader is well aware they risked a ticket, the boot was an aggressive move. According to the Booting FAQ , your car will get the boot if you owe “more than $350 in parking or camera violation tickets that are in judgment”. The reader swears their record is clean! Moreover:

My bigger issue is that ALL DAY, EVERY DAY cars and trucks sit in that No Parking spot and are NEVER ticketed. Half the time they are idling and I ask them to turn off their engine. Many people get angry at me and it feels unsafe to have to do this myself. I have called 311 but nothing has been done. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander – you boot me and ticket me, then start ticketing and booting all trucks and cars, including the car with a police decal that parks there every Sunday afternoon while they eat at Noodle Pudding.
This (amateur) reporter was unable to locate the decal-ed car this past Sunday, but it did remind us that the NYPD has been caught harassing 311 callers complaining of illegal parking, so maybe the reader got off easy with only a boot! Has anyone else noticed an increase in highly selective ticketing/booting?
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  • Effective Presenter

    We have never seen a boot in New York City.

  • Andrew Porter

    Another reason I’m so glad I don’t have a car.

  • MaggieO

    the information above is misleading. The DOF/Marshals boot your car for failure to pay violations. the NYPD can boot your car whenever it is parked illegally. It has happened to me, only 10 minutes past alternate side.
    “Your vehicle may be booted or towed by the City Sheriff/Marshal on behalf of the Department of Finance (DOF) or the New York Police Department (NYPD). It is important to look at the boot and determine which agency has booted you. The process for resolving boots is different depending on if you were booted by the sheriff/marshal or NYPD.

    The sheriff/marshal boots vehicles that owe more than $350 of parking ticket and/or camera violation judgment debt. This boot is a green metal clamping device with a keypad. The boot is attached to one of the four wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving.

    NYPD boots illegally parked vehicles prior to towing them. NYPD boots have a padlock and may be yellow or blue but do not have a keypad.”

    “If the boot doesn’t have a keypad, you have been booted by the NYPD for illegal parking. The NYPD has the authority to tow your vehicle even if you don’t owe any outstanding tickets.”,your%20vehicle%20will%20be%20sold.

  • Andrew Porter

    One solution to being booted, not recommended. Photo from